Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Playing 4:30

I will be planning on playing at 4:30 Monday. If you cannot make this time, please post when you can arrive and we will start at the latest time posted. Please at least glance over 4th level advances and have an idea where you are going.

Also I have not recieved any backgrounds or areas of interest as of yet, I know I gave you until the 8th, but I would like it sooner if possible.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I cant be there this Monday.

NOOOOOO... I've trying to find a way around it, but I have to go to Stephs school this Monday to talk with her teachers. So I cant play on Monday. :(

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

World clarification

I wanted to clarify a few things about the world and what everyone knows. Nentir vale is the extent of all of your knowledge of the world, anything beyond that is rumor, story, or myth. If anyone wants to have a specific idea of what lies beyond the nentir vale you have until September 8th to let me know what kind of ideas work for your character background. History/knowledge skills that refer to locals are limited to this area, should you adventure outside of your known area there will be a learning curve before these skills will be applicable to things that reside outside your "known" vale.

I am building the full world and sometime after Sept 8th, I will start expanding the world and your knowledge of it in a roleplaying atmosphere so let me know if there are specific areas of interest to your characters.

I would like everyone to send me one email before Sept 8th that details a little bit of their characters motivations, some of you have already given me information in this regard, but I would like to know more about character goals, dreads, wishes, wants, hopes and fears. The more I know about your character the more interesting I can make the world to your perspective.

Lastly, if Chris would like to participate in an occasional game, if I have enough notice (more than a day), I should be able to have some stuff prepped for him to help out with. Of course he is always welcome, but if he would like to be rolling some dice and making some decisions just let me know he is coming and I will try to give him something interesting to do.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gathkin pole

I don't like any of the choices on this pole. I actually liked the way we did Gathkin this week. Takes some of the load off William without him having to divulge everything about the NPC. Best of both worlds. William does a great job giving the NPC's distictive personalities.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Don't forget to bring a copy of your characters. I would prefer to recieve a physical copy so that if someone is missing we have a sheet to run from.

Also, for Gathkin (the dwarf cleric of pelor), I am giving you guys a partial sheet to make rolls from and track damage, but I will move and decide his methods of attack (of course he will take orders into account).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monsterous Battle

Andros, It was very unlike you to charge 10 feet into battle like that and to go down in the 1st round. Since you were unconscious the rest of the battle here is what happened. After interrogating the prisoner with little success, we left the 1st door alone and looked at another hallway and door a few feet down the way. When we opened the door we saw a scout hide behind a wall and alert his comrades. We moved up we saw another set of doors with 2 hobgoblins standing there. You with your quick speed moved 10 feet to dispatch of them and shut the doors to keep the massive amount of guards from coming through them. Unfortunately they both had readied actions and smacked the holy living crap out of you. Then before you could act you were surrounded on all sides by multiple enemies. With all their attacks and the spell from the evil Hobgoblin Priest you went down before you could even react. We then came to get you, but I took 2 monstrous hits from the Priest's lightning staff and it felled me. (only after I dispatched of several of the vermin) The other two fought valiantly , but when we thought it was all over another batch of Brut's came through another door. As I was seeing Bahumat's light grow ever so brightly at the end of the tunnel, a stranger approached and healed me along with the other in the group. Gathkin the dwarven cleric of Pelor had followed us down and joined us for the last battle. With his help and some amazing hits from Acris my sword we downed the remaining creatures. We have captured one for questioning and we have opened a large set of doors into another room. (DM please post the description of this room if you get time.) We have taken an extended rest and are ready to explore further into this evil area.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

After the Spider

That was a close battle, thank Bahumat we survived. I am sorry to see that Splug has fallen. His crossbow will be missed in the battles to come. We only knew him for a few days, but his actions were noble enough, for one of his kind, and if he truly believed in Pelor then I know that he is in a better place now. With that said we should take a short rest and interrogate the prisoner to see what evil awaits us next. Listen at the door and find out if there is anything coming.