June 8th
Dear Nana,
Ok I know that you are still upset with me for leaving you with everything at the shop, but I really think this is a good opportunity to pay off my debt to Kelson. Besides I believe it is Grandpappy’s side of me that craves adventure. The old gang decided to come with me. Andros is really doing well when it comes to leading us in a fight. Yes I know you think he needs to loosen up more and laugh a little, but it seems to be a theme for him. Ella is still all about the fight. You have said that she might look a little better if she wore a dress, but I believe blood would be spilled if someone tried to make her wear one. Then there is the half elf. He still tags along with me. I can’t seem to shake him. What can I say he looks up to me…. (I made a couple jokes there) It’s been a week now since I have left home and many exciting things have happened. I am writing from the ruins of Shadowfell. We have decided to take a small rest and well I wanted to write down what has happened so far.
We started out taking a job as protectors of a shipment of food to Winterhaven. While trying to catch up with the caravan, we found that it had been raided by a band of kobolds. We followed the kobolds the their lair and after a fierce battle with their goblin leader, Irontooth Smouse, we came out with just a few cuts and bruises. From the findings in the lair we found a mysterious note that seemed to indicate something evil afoot in Winterhaven.
We made it to Winterhaven and we were received as heroes. Even the Baron of this huge town had us eat at his table and after hearing how we dispatched the kobolds he needed our help with the goblins in Shadowfell. Of course the half elf wanted to charge a large sum of money for something that should just be our duty as citizens of the world, but I convince the entire group to clear out the ruins for a small fee.
We found Shadowfell and the goblins easy enough. The battles that we fought were truly epic and if we had a bard in our group he would definitely sing the tales of our group. We defeated almost 50 goblins and their hobgoblin leader, the Fatman. Our defeat of their leader even inspired a goblin to turn his evil ways and follow Pelor. We then proceeded to the lower level and fought creatures of the undead. I still am a little embarrassed that the entire group ran from the first sight of the vile abominations, but when they saw that I held fast, they rallied around me. Finally we made our way to a hallway filled with coffins of fallen heroes. When we stepped into this hallway, a dozen undead ambushed us. We fought our way thru to a chamber with a giant dragon statue and some large double doors. We were surrounded by many undead horrors and it seemed to be our last stand. Out of sheer panic, the half elf begs to Bahamut to save his pitiful life. We will never know the reasons for what the gods do but Bahamut struck down all the undead that faced us. Now we sit here and take a short break before heading farther into the ruins of Shadowfell. When I get a chance I will send this your way to keep you from worrying about us. If you have any trouble you know that Priest Starlight will help you until I return.
Your loving grandson,