Thursday, July 31, 2008

Letter To Nana

June 8th

Dear Nana,

Ok I know that you are still upset with me for leaving you with everything at the shop, but I really think this is a good opportunity to pay off my debt to Kelson. Besides I believe it is Grandpappy’s side of me that craves adventure. The old gang decided to come with me. Andros is really doing well when it comes to leading us in a fight. Yes I know you think he needs to loosen up more and laugh a little, but it seems to be a theme for him. Ella is still all about the fight. You have said that she might look a little better if she wore a dress, but I believe blood would be spilled if someone tried to make her wear one. Then there is the half elf. He still tags along with me. I can’t seem to shake him. What can I say he looks up to me…. (I made a couple jokes there) It’s been a week now since I have left home and many exciting things have happened. I am writing from the ruins of Shadowfell. We have decided to take a small rest and well I wanted to write down what has happened so far.

We started out taking a job as protectors of a shipment of food to Winterhaven. While trying to catch up with the caravan, we found that it had been raided by a band of kobolds. We followed the kobolds the their lair and after a fierce battle with their goblin leader, Irontooth Smouse, we came out with just a few cuts and bruises. From the findings in the lair we found a mysterious note that seemed to indicate something evil afoot in Winterhaven.

We made it to Winterhaven and we were received as heroes. Even the Baron of this huge town had us eat at his table and after hearing how we dispatched the kobolds he needed our help with the goblins in Shadowfell. Of course the half elf wanted to charge a large sum of money for something that should just be our duty as citizens of the world, but I convince the entire group to clear out the ruins for a small fee.

We found Shadowfell and the goblins easy enough. The battles that we fought were truly epic and if we had a bard in our group he would definitely sing the tales of our group. We defeated almost 50 goblins and their hobgoblin leader, the Fatman. Our defeat of their leader even inspired a goblin to turn his evil ways and follow Pelor. We then proceeded to the lower level and fought creatures of the undead. I still am a little embarrassed that the entire group ran from the first sight of the vile abominations, but when they saw that I held fast, they rallied around me. Finally we made our way to a hallway filled with coffins of fallen heroes. When we stepped into this hallway, a dozen undead ambushed us. We fought our way thru to a chamber with a giant dragon statue and some large double doors. We were surrounded by many undead horrors and it seemed to be our last stand. Out of sheer panic, the half elf begs to Bahamut to save his pitiful life. We will never know the reasons for what the gods do but Bahamut struck down all the undead that faced us. Now we sit here and take a short break before heading farther into the ruins of Shadowfell. When I get a chance I will send this your way to keep you from worrying about us. If you have any trouble you know that Priest Starlight will help you until I return.

Your loving grandson,


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rodney, I just wanted to say that I have appreciated you being the leader of the group and sharing your tactic ideas. This is not an area that I am any good at, so it is nice to see someone in action and begin to improve my own abilities. Thanks

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Great Teamwork

Nice job as always, your ability to work as a team is really making you guys lethal (Rodney your backing the party out of a tight situation was impressive). I would love some feedback as to areas that you would like to see changed or improved. Out of character are there things that you think are working very well or not well at all, are there things that seem strange or out of balance and am I doing a good enough job with descriptions? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Also, be thinking about level 3, I don't know if you will get there next week or not, but possibly by the end of the night. You all are flying through the dungeon, but there is still a lot left to do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


One quick note, all of the images to the right should now work, you can click on them to see a larger image.

Balgron's room contains a locked chest (which you have not opened yet)
The goblins did not have any money on them, but there is 22 gold and a gold and silver holy symbol of Bahamut on the table where the goblins where playing cards

Areas 3 & 4

I don't remember exploring these areas. I assume since you are showing them to us all the guys we killed Monday came from these areas and we are able to explore them at our leisure. Is that true?

If so... anything note worthy in those areas?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Great job everyone

That was truly an epic battle. You all really impressed me with your ability to handle the goblins and the fighting was exciting. I hope you all are having a great time as I thought it went pretty smoothly and was loads of fun.

I am having a blast! and honestly I can't believe how much of the module we covered tonight.

Great job everyone, I will post a map of the areas you have explored hopefully by the weekend.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The captives

So what is the plan with the goblin captives? Also how many of them did you leave alive?

In general what is the party's plan

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Game Plan(Kalvin)

I am wondering who Kalarel's spy is. We were sent here by Grundelmeyer and the priest of Pelor ( I dont have his name handy). They seemed trustworthy to me, so who in town might have been able to influence them? Do they have advisors that we know of? I also believe that we go to Winterhaven straight from here as soon as possible. Since the priest go away we are probable going to be expected, unless we have been able to track him out of where we first met him.

blog authorship

I don't think that anyone besides me can currently post to the blogs main page, you can all only leave comments. If you would like me to add you as an author (which I would highly recommend) please let me know which email address you would like the invite sent to.

Friday, July 11, 2008

The summary of courage

Many years had past since the four companions had saved a young lady-elf in the backstreets of Fallcrest, yet their herioisism had not lessoned and indeed when the call went out for escorts to carry grain to the starving city of winterhaven, none other than the heros of that distant night stepped forward to once again show their bravery.

"Kobolds" Grundelmeyer said emphatically, I am sure the little dragonkin where involved. They have taken 4 of the last 5 of the shipments the church has arranged to carry. I am sorry but we have no coin to pay the likes of heros as I know you three..... [a stern look and sudden movement by Kalvin, the paladin of Bahamut cought his attention]....uh... four..... I meant no disrespect master halfling, but you know I hear the rumours and some of those [looking at the paladin] uh... well you know... uh... never mind.. Well the four of you would make excellent escorts and as I was saying, I no have the coin to buy such a guard on my wares. However, I have made arrangements that you might carry a certain object for a jeweler friend of mine...Ah! I see you know him.... Yes well he does have coin to buy your time and If I could impose on your generosity, perhaps you could take my shipement with your other parcel and give my donation the protection it deserves!

After a brief discussion the group decided that the offer proposed was the best for all involved. They need only be an escort and they would have a priest of Pelor owing them a favor, as well as full payment for a job that was sure to be well done. Trouble started late into the first day when the stalwart band realized that the wagon in front of them had been ambushed and taken off the trail. Follwing the group discovered a warren of kobolds that they deemed to be the culprits behind the recent loss of shipments. After tracking the wagon to its demise in the grasslands the group found that there were indeed kobolds behind the attack. Following the trail of flower left behind by the draconic minions, the party sought to strike a blow into the heart of the kobold camp. After hours of planning and even hours of execution, the group had successfully cleared the kobold warren of their leader Irontooth Schmaus, as well as recovering 2/3 of the loss provisions. Although they let a formidable kobold wyrmpriest escape, the party seems confident in their abilities and they are sure the next time the see Skullwalker they will not let him get away so easily.

All in all the party finds itself victorious with only the question of how to get the remaining supplies to winterhaven without the means of a cart or wagon to cary it and them.

Jezalin Drask

Jezalin got up from the bench to the many protests of her companions. Stay! shouted Bannion, her boyhood friend and companion, we have more wine that my father has paid for. Jezalin, her head already full of the wine, was in no mood to spend the morrow in bed so she bade her companions farewell and made her excuses to leave.

Her father had trusted her with more responsibility than she dared imagine. The shipements of flour and tack would help her people through the harsh fall and well into the winter. Many elves thought that such arrangements were paramount to begging, but Jezalin knew better. It was the new fashion, the new way of doing things and it would mean that her people could focus on the crafts they already did so well. Her eyes suddenly focused and she realized that she had made good time since leaving the Blue Moon, but she had traveled far to close to the Tombwoods. As reality came suddenly back to her, she heard movement in the shadows around. and suddenly six filth sodden humans materialized from the shadows. "What do you want" she called, suddenly going cold and wishing that she had at least brought Adenan's shortsword with her. "We's only wishn' to make the acquaintance of a lady" said the smallish man with cooked teeth; and with that he made a gesture and the other five started to surround her. She knew that she was about to pay for her foolishness in walking so close to the woods this late at night, and as her attention once again slipped from her she did not see the man that had grasped her shoulders firmly, making any attempt at flight a pure fantasy. Suddenly the last thought was violently wrenched from her as another of the men had put a knee to her midriff. The odd thought of the suddenness of the attack was thrashed from her mind as her lower back erupted in flame from a brutal strike. All her thought as well as the air in her lungs left her, and she found herself gasping on the pebbled lane, her body was being brutalized, yet her mind was rasping that something was not right. These men seemed to have little interest in ransom, or even in searching her for treasure; instead they seemed to be more interested in the brutality they struck upon her.
As she sought to work out the puzzle of this attack even while her body was being abused she heard a muffled crunch, like that of a dull cleaver that did not break a bone cleanly but merely broke it by the force of its strike. And before she had time to wonder she saw the jaw of one of her assailants explode in a mass of blood and ruined flesh from the force of a thrown hammer. And as she sat up she saw that a woodsy elf, a nimble halfling, a righteous half elf and a noble human had come to her aid. Before she could call to them her elation at their rescue a grey fog enveloped her and her consciousness was lost to the sounds of battle.


I will be adding each of you to the blog so you all can post, but I wanted to set down some rules that might help us find our way in the blog. When entering posts, there is a way to label them in the lower corner. I propose that we use this label to keep the blog organized. I am not certain how this will work as of yet but I propose the following labels:

Character: When speaking solely in character
history: when writing a descriptive event about and in character
'blank': leave the label blank when speaking as yourself or out of character

If anyone has suggestions please let me know and we will see how this evolves.


I hope you all have found your way to the new site satisfacterly. I felt it was time for an update and this seemed like a good choice that might give me a few more options for the adventure. Please let me know what you think and hopefully this will be our new regular home. I also wanted to take this time to let everyone know what a great time I am having with the game. I have not enjoyed myself this much while gamemastering in some time.