Thursday, July 17, 2008

The captives

So what is the plan with the goblin captives? Also how many of them did you leave alive?

In general what is the party's plan


  1. We left two alive. My idea is that we interrogate them by the Half elf using his itimadate on them (bad elf) and I will use Bluff on them to try and get info from them. (good halfling) We need to know things like, How many are there, who is their leader, what is their plan, where are the guards and what are they guarding and what does the signs on the door for. If I have forgotten something please let me know, my other party members. Bemon's band of the Chimeras has a really nice ring to it.

  2. 2 were left alive. I will use my intimadate skill(8) to find out What they are doing here? Who is their leader? If they have guarded any other areas (like the digging site)? How many are here? What traps are in this area? When the guard's change? What is the average air speed of a laden swallow?

  3. I'll aid in the intimadate (7). I also plan on dropping the name of the guy who wrote the note from the kobolds, and see if that gets any reaction out of them.

  4. We should split the captives up, and have two of us interogate each of them separately. Then we can compare answers.

  5. Are we going to take them out of here, or are we going to interogate them here? I am jsut concerned with the time frame and the possibility of others interupting us.
