Friday, June 12, 2009

Not adding up.

There are some things that we've discovered lately that don't jive with what I learned growing up.

- I was under the impression that my family was stripped of their tittle and holdings at the end of the Bloodspear War, (close to 100 years ago.) However, Arcanus believes the previous owner of the blade I now carry was my brother, Banthos, and that he was involved in the war in some way. It's unlikely that I have a 100+ year old brother. Possible time travel?

- Lady Ameliata showed me a crest very similar to the one I wear and indicated it was my father's crest. Again, if we were stripped of rank and tittle 100 years ago, my father would not have had a crest. He would have been in hiding as a commoner. This makes me wonder if I am not Bannas Trellmon's great grandson, but somehow one of his 7 sons that were sent into exhile. Again, possible time travel?

A more mundane explination might be that Arcanus and Ameliata used the terms "brother" and "father" to refer to members of my House, with Brannas being the patriarch or "father" of the house, and any living male decendants being "brothers."

It's also possible that I just misunderstood the specifics of the information I've received.

Any thoughts from anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I do admit that this seems strange. I know that humans do live that long so it does make it difficult to think that your brother is 100+ years old; but here is a theory. When you are thinking of brother, are they referring to someone who has the same mother and father - in that case, it would be very difficult. However, it you have the same father and different mother, it could be possible. Men do tend to stay fertile into their senior years - if your father had a child while he was very young, and then another child with another woman, late in his life, I suppose it could be possible.

    However, I think it is more plausible that your later explanation is correct (different definitions for the terms of brother/father). Although, I really think that there is more to it than just that, based on what you have told us about your family; what that is, is the real question.
