Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our plan of attack

So from what I remember the plan is,
#1 Blip into the Inn and interogate the fake Ella and Bemon
#2 Try to get slip and see what Anaviskar Raaz has to say.
#3 Meet with Mathkin to hear what he has to say about the 7 bros
#4 Maybe go see Anaviskar and talk to her.
#5 smack Kalvin for fun
#6 ......
Feel free to put in your two cents worth. Lets all try to come up with some solid ideas so William knows some what where we are going.



  1. I'm good with following on thoes points. (Except # 5)

    Main quest for myself would be to avenge Jobe's death. Take the word of my god across the mountains.

    Next time we get attacked by other worldy beings we should try to not kill them until we have gotten some information out of them.

  2. I'm good with these points, (except we need 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a. All of which will be "smack Kalvin for fun.)

    Clearly I have a HUGE personal quest now, but I know it is a very long term thing. I really want to talk to Mathkin, and A. R. since we are this close to them at the moment. And, my next step would be to cross the mountains to find my brother, but I'm not looking to highjack the group for my own quest.

    I don't have a lot of energy around the Jobe stuff, but I understand and respect everyone else's feelings there, and will delay my search for my brother if we can come up with a reasonable course of action towards avenging him and his family.

  3. 1b) Who is going to go and do the interogations? Do we all go or just a couple? I personal think that Andros and Kalvin would be the best at that, but that is just my opinion.

    2b) I think that we need to talk with A.R. while we are here, I am not sure what the best way to do this is, but we need to do more than just send a slip if we do not hear something.

    3b) I think that we will need to go across the mountains sometime soon - I have a feeling that there may be some information about our God Key over there - not sure why, I just have a feeling. We can also work on finding out about Adros's brothers.

    4b) see 2b

    5b) well...I agree with 5 and 5a

    6) We need to try to find more out about Mesothraxair - I am not a person who is any good at searching out information in a city - but we need to fins out about this guy - he want the God Key, and he killed Jobe and his family. Even if you are not concerned about Jobe, he is after the Key, and we will meet him again - we need to more about him so we can actually be prepared.

  4. Why is everybody picking on the fat kid?
