Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just one important piece of information we learned while talking with Ana V. is that the coins in Jobe's family mouths are used to trap a soul.

On a different note, the others have you carrying a holy symbol for another god other than yours - I offered to store it in the bag of holding. You may not have any reservations with this, but I just thought that you have such a strong devotion to your god, I felt you may not want to carry this holy symbol.

We are now after a rouge mage named Padamar in the 7 pillar hall. On our way we fought some nasty carion crawlers and an oteholf (spelling is off I am sure). They were very tough, but we did prevail.

Left ALL npc's elsewhere.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So should we send someone back (or send word)to have the coin taken out of their mouths? I believe that we had them burried with them. I would like to release their souls to the afterworld.

    I do have a strong devotion to my god. With that said if it is an evil god we should go destroy it if not I have no problem carying it. (Can't I melt that thing down to make mine more powerful?) I would say give thievy things to the rogue, wizardry things to the wizard, nature things to the ranger and holy things to the holy guy (that would be me :)
    Who is this rogue and why are we after him?

    I am all about getting rid of the NPC's. This gaming is about us not them, and we had too many.

  3. Thanks for the post. I wish I was there. Dont forget I will not be there tomorow. It is Joy's birthday.

  4. We are after a rouge MAGE - Orontho from the 4 pillar hall asked us to track him down and make him leave - you preferred to ask him to leave, but Orontho said he was not sure he would do that (we would most likely have to kill him).

    Our deal was that we would do this if our debt to him was paid in full and he would also try to arragne some kind of payment.

    Another thing that Anna V. said that was odd - she initially said I was Eladrin. She backed stepped some after being questioned on this. You had the distinct impression that she was not telling us all of the truth. For a human to make this mistake is understandable, but for an elf to make that error is not understandable.

  5. Interesting. Is there anything from your past that you could share with us that might explain anything about yourself? If you have told us you were adopted or something like that I have forgotten.

    Do we have a reason to think that the MAGE is evil. I got no problems ridding the realm of evil characters. I am not a hired assasian. So if you could give me a bit more detail on this quest it would be helpful. Thanks again for the post.
