Friday, July 24, 2009


Padamir the Mage

Attention Citizens of the Vale!

Padamir the Mage is wanted for questioning by the Chimera. If you have seen this man please do not attempt to capture him by yourself. He is a powerful wizard and incredibly dangerous. This is why the Chimera has been called into action to take care of him. The Chimera are dedicated to the protection of the innocent and all who is good in the vale. If you have a problem and have no where else to go, the Chirmera can help! Any information of Padamir’s whereabouts please leave a note at the Halfmoon Inn in the

7 Pillared Hall.


Bemon Stoutheart

Founder of the Chimera, Welder of Soul Ripper blessed by Avandra, Owner of the Ring of Adamar, Treasurer of the Emerald Guild in Fallcrest, Student of the Bardic Arts, Vanquisher of countless evil doers, Destined to be a legend.


    Did we pay for a banner guy to make that poster? Cause I know that you don't have any money.

    Pretty cool man.

  2. Why... Yes I do have money, check your coin purse, it might have an IOU in there. Thanks for another loan. You are the most giving Paladin around. It's as if I need money you just let me have it without even knowing about it.

  3. Thanks for posting Darin, I've been too busy at work to do much with the game.

  4. Looks like we should have spent a few coins on an editer to check the grammer. "... all who IS good...??" Don't they teach common on the short bus anymore?
