Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Start

After thinking about the new start, I think it will be just as interesting if you guys do not have any known relation to each other. I don't care if some of you want to know each other or not, but the restart I am thinking of really will not make any difference as you all will be thrown together. Please be very specific about starting equipment as you will not immediately be in an area to re-equip. Also, please prep your character out at least 3 levels and have an idea of where you want to be in 5-6 levels. The leveling pace is going to go quicker than normal experience would allow, but I might keep you guys at 1st-2nd to get to know the characters.

As for backgrounds, if you can work something into the background about why you might have sought out the pyramid of shadows, or how you came to be caught into the pyramid that would be helpful. Be as creative as you want, and if you want to know your old characters, that is great. Perhaps you came into the pyramid because you were hired in the 7 pillar hall, perhaps you had heard of the exploits of the Chimera's and were looking to join, perhaps you were sent by Gathkin with a message, or with tidings about the workings of the river rats. Maybe you were looking for more information about how they traveled around so quickly and about the turmoil they left in hammerfast.

When picking starting equipement feel free to spend 2x normal starting funds if you need it, and write down remaining coin. You will not be starting with magic items except potions if you want to take them.

Please post what you are thinking about as for characters, currently I have people in the following rolls:
Wendy.. Striker or Defender
Brian.. Controller
Darin.. Leader
Rodney.. Striker
Chris.. Controller (invoker?)


  1. My guy (sword mage)is technically a defender, leaning towards striker. He's also almost exclusively melee. VERY little ranged capability.

  2. My character will be a Human bard. I will have some healing and ways to get temporary hit points. I am excited to play. It should be fun.

  3. Zane has ZERO melee. Nothing that I have affects AC. It is all vs. Reflex, fort and will. And everything is ranged. I'll have to get used to that.

  4. Hey there....My character is a dragonborn warlock. I went with the star pack for the old ones to return. Im looking frorward to monday.

  5. Wendy has not decided yet, but I am trying to talk her into a barbarian, she might go with a warden or ranger though... I am looking forward to a new start too... See you all monday

  6. Some minor changes with Talos. Feat I took skill focus thievery instaid of dragonborn sensed. and skills I changed intimidate to streetwise. I hope thats ok, if not let me know.

  7. Ok I swear this is the last change before the game. Im going to switch out streetwise for religion. I want talos to know alittle bit about the gods to give him a background with the old ones.

  8. Wendy is an Eladrin Barbarian name Xandra Na'Avel of the Teethen blood. I will share background tonight.
