Saturday, March 6, 2010

Enchant Magic Item ritual question

Residumm as a component works for any of the ritual skills. There are different components required for all the different skills. I'm seeing this on page 300 of the players guide. The enchant magic item ritual says X amount of compoment cost to create the item desired. Are we allowed to use standard purchased components ie. Alchemical Reagents (arcana) or Sanctified Incense (religion) for our cost? If you can make a decision and let me know that would be great. I am just wondering due to the lack of availability of residuum.

1 comment:

  1. you will need to research each item that you want to create, I will give you the required ingredients on a case by case basis. Keep in mind that you will only be able to make items from the core books without special permission or quests.
