Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wish Lists

Hello All.

I believe we all wanted to get a take on where we are at with Residium and gold.

I have 42 residium, 234 gold and 31 boxings. We do have some gold coming to us from the rebels, from the croc skin (plus my boots) and the diamonds we sent. We might have something coming from Kesler, I can't remember.

We need to have a list of all the magic items we don't want or haven't been picked yet and then what are our wish lists. ie I want to augment my bow to a +2 weapon.

Zane and I will have the capibility of making magic items but it will take some gold to do it. Maybe we need to see what everyone wants and take a few monthes at getting those things then go explore the dungeons.

Everyone post so we can get a jump on the next session.



  1. Chris has 352 gp, 12 boxings, and 30 gp in residium.

    I have 281 gp, 14 boxings, 30 gp worth of residium and the 18" long residium rod (gigidy)

    As far as magic items... I took the Amulet of Double Fortune and we have a +2 Vengeful Flail and a +2 Stout Great Club.

    I don't have any big "wish list" items except for getting my sword repaired.

  2. I currently have
    215 gp 8 silver 3 cp
    120 Residuum
    a Residumm Rod and Plate (worth 250)
    25 boxings

  3. I have no "wish list" items. I believe that we were brought here for a reason and that we should find out what that reason is. I am not one to quest for treasure for months. I would like to figure out what our purpose in this land is. I think that the dungeons might shine some info on that. I believe that the symbols on the teleporting arears are from our world and very old. I would like to begin there. If you simply want to upgrad top a +2 we could always go back to the fortress and destroy one of the weapons that we found and transfer the +2 on to it. I dont remember the cost, but the only hold up would be the residuum I think. Other than the fact that we could probably sell one of these items to a house for a @#$% ton of money.
