Friday, April 30, 2010

For Every Metal there is an Alloy

Hey I would like to ask Kesselor a question. If every metal has an alloy or opposite, What is Tin's alloy and can I use it's opposite or am I out of luck and only the Mistborn can use it?

Also I would like to have a list of the houses and i little description of each. No hurry on that since I am out for a while.

Have fun and don't kill my character unless it is profitable to the party. grin


  1. Kelcier thinks that the allomantic metals are arranged like this:

    Group 1 physical metals:
    Iron: external acting (non-alloy)
    Steel: external acting (alloy of iron)
    Tin: internal acting (non-alloy)
    Pewter: internal acting (alloy of tin)
    Group 2 mental metals:
    Zinc: external acting (non-alloy)
    Brass: external acting (alloy of zinc)
    copper: internal acting (non-alloy)
    bronze: internal acting (alloy of copper)
    Group 3 high metals:
    Atium: (non-alloy)
    Malatium: (alloy of Atium)
    Gold: (non-alloy)

  2. There are 9 great houses:
    Venture: power from atium production
    Ribeaux: merchant house
    Tellion: atium production
    Hastings: Artisans, minting, smithing
    Kastlin: canals and transportation
    Krue: scholars and taxation/accounting
    Koolas: warriors, close associates of steel ministry
    Falthar: artisans, masons, cobblers
    Marquis: prellons, diplomats, ska organizers
