Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ella's Hook

Here is some backstory for Ella:

Ella’s family had been trained in the twin blade fighting style for generations, but her grandmother and mother decided to go a different route and left the tradition behind to become elite ranged archers. Ella’s greatgrandmother, Elainna, who she was partially named for, was hopeful that Ella would follow in her footsteps as a twin blade warrior. When Elainna’s life grew short, she too went against tradition and chose to stay and help Ella train rather than traveling into the ether as was the elven tradition. After completing her basic ranger training, Ella knew her greatgrandmothers time to travel beyond the shadows was close. Elainna called Ella to her and gave her two battered and worn longswords that she claimed had been in the family for generations dating back even to the time that the elves developed the two different fighting styles (archery and twin blades). The blades, though worn, were extremely sharp and despite their long use the metal was clean and nearly unblemished. Upon the blades are strange symbols that Elainna would not explain except to mention that to speak them aloud would call forth their power and that the discovery of that power was to be Ella’s destiny. The pommel and crossguard were inset with coins marked with similar symbols as those emblazoned on the blade, all save one spot which Ella could tell had once held a coin similar to the others. When asked about the missing coin Elainna would only say she had used it to repay a favor granted to her by the fey creatures near the mountain borders. Ella knew there was more to the story but no matter how she pressed Elainna she would say no more. After receiving the blades Ella’s training moved at an accelerated rate and she grew very comfortable with the weapons driving her to favor weapons that were matched or made as paired sets. Although she has not dwelled on the stories that her greatgrandmother told before her passing, the recent meeting with Valdras has reminded her that there are areas outside the elven lands and Nentir vale that might hold some answers she seeks.

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