Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What to do with the key?

We have a powerful item here and I think that we should use it to spread good around the world. Bahamut has seen us worthy to have it so I say that we use it. I would like to 1st offer a rescue mission to save Jobe and his family. We cannot sit by and allow others to get harmed because they have come in contact with us. We are the heroes of the realm and need to act like it. With that said. Who’s with me?

After that let’s use this tool to find some long lost areas that we would never be able to get to without it. I.e. Temples, groves, training grounds, lost civilizations or any number of places or things. A cool Fortress of Solitude that is shielded from warding or teleportation would be a nice start. I’m going to have to look at the history of the realm to see if anything specific rings a bell.

Finally when we are done with it I say we take this item and give it to Bahamut and tip the power of good. If he doesn’t want it then he can go hide it again, or task us to do so. I don’t think that we should just hide it on our own, with the possibility that the other one might show up we may need I to defend the realm.

These are just a few thoughts to kick off the discussion board.


  1. I am not 100 percent for saving Job because it might lead us into more trouble than we can handle and then the key gets into the wrong hands, but that being said, a good fight is always fun. I love the idea about looking for places to explore. Long lost temples, ruins, groves would be super fun. Lets start researching that. I also want a fortress of Solitude. Somewhere we can have as a base and hang our sword when we have down time. Getting some rituals that Gathkin can perform for teleportation would be an advantage. As for giving it to Pelor, sure that sounds like a great plan, just don't give it to Melora, noone really worships that one anyway.

  2. At first I thought that the paladin was a coward from his actions the other night, but after praying to melora I relize that not every fight needs to be fought without considering the fitness of the group. Now I see that the halfling has revealed that his courage is also half that of others.

    Melora has given me the gifts of calm reason and insight that I guess must be missing from bahamut and avandra. While consulting her great wisdom it occured to me that perhaps the people we meet in our journey are not put there by coincidence. It might be that evil is working in the world as surely as good and that we are all pieces on a great game board. I am sure this is no surprise to the followers of Bahamut, but I would not think it would be a suprise to even the simplest people that worship avandra. I believe that my god has placed in me the powers and abilities to change those I come in contact with and through them their actions and the fate of the world, I believe the Paladin believes as much from his god as well. It would be folly for us not to think that those that worhip darker gods do not believe their path to be rightous as well and for those reasons, any person that we or they come into contact with become pieces on the great game board we call our world. I know halflings can not see as far as others, but surely they can see this far.

    For this reason, I think that Jobe is more than a farmer, he is a test of our faith and our commitment to fight against those that would cause harm and bring the shadowfell into our reality. Because we have come in contact with him through our god's will, we must protect and save him from any dangers we might have inadvertantly caused.

  3. So Kalvin votes save Jobe, Ella votes to save Jobe, Bemon not sure right decision but will go. Ella, besides belittling me, what are your ideas on what to do with the god key?

  4. Belittle a halfling ROFL, not sure if that was intentional or not but it's classic.

  5. What in Bafamut is your problem Ella? Has some evil taint gotten hold of you? You are throwing around the title of coward as if it means nothing to challenge your friend’s integrity. Is it not ok for Bemon to question what we do? He said that he wasn't 100 % and gave the reason of not wanting the GOD key to fall into the wrong hands. He also stated that he was up for the fight if that is what we as a party chose. After all that we have been throughiIf you think that either of us are cowards then you can either excuse yourself from our group and go on your own way or step up and lay the gauntlet down. I will be happy to show you my bravery.
    The party’s condition was not the only reason I chose not to fight. There was little chance that if we defeated the beings that they would just go get Jobe and his family for us. So I was trying to intimidate and speak with the Snake. You attacking Mesotheleorax negated all negotiations that I was trying to do. My god also gives me the gifts of "calm reason and insight" as well and tells me that although force is a way of getting things done, it is not the only way. You say that people are not put in the world by coincidence. Well duh. Evil is out in the world working towards their goals. Wow that is some great insight. I thought that they were only around when we actually looked for them. Thanks for the update. Ella, that's not insight, its common sense, which I feel you seem to be lacking as of late by verbally attacking the party.
    Lastly, thanks for getting your opinion out there, it is welcome. If you are truly claiming that your god is giving you some insight, then, could you please tells us what you would like to do with the key once we have saved Jobe.

  6. My problem is that you think it is okay to disrespect my God, but when the shoe is on the other foot, you get your panties/codpiece all in a twist

    I mentioned that I had re-evaluted my position on Kalvin’s bravery – As I may have been pushed a bit too far by the “she is an idiot” over and over again; and that fact that I was face to face with an abomination of nature. I assumed from past actions that Kalvin would have taken a more aggressive position towards something that was clearly an unholy creature (and the negotiations were going no where).

    My response to Bemon was that he stated that he was not sure if we should go and save Jobe, as we may have bitten off more than we can chew. It is very possible that we may be up against those that are very strong, but do we not save an innocent just because we fear for our safety? I know that I would walk into a pool of absolute doom if it meant saving one of you from harm and death.

    As for my plan, I intend to ask Orentho if he can locate Slivis for obvious reasons.

    In addition, ask Orentho if there is anything we can do to prevent this guy from actually killing Jobe – any spells we could use at the meeting, and people we could enlist to help us prevent this from happening?

    We could also try to set a trap for them – bring them on our playing field. We could use the fact that the Kalvin and Gathkin are obviously emblazoned with their gods symbols. I could send a message to them saying that you will never give them the key, but I could take them to it. They could meet me, and I could take them to Kalvin to get the key, and we could set an ambush (after doing some research on how to defeat Meso-demons). Can we find any enemies of Mesothraxair – the enemy of my enemy…Maybe we could even contact Mesothraxair and hire him away from whoever he is working for now – we know he is mercenary of sorts. We could see if there is some spell that would return the god key to us after an hour after giving it to them, or a spell that would take us to the key after an hour or so. The last option and one that I do not want to use unless there is no other option; as in, Jobe and family die – we could raise them.

  7. Just for clarification. I have NEVER disrespected Melora. What I have done is left her out of my god list when I am talking to others about who we follow due to her not being a GOOD god. She is unalined. I have also pointed that out on more than one occasion so that you knew exactly why I don't mention her. You on the other hand are being spiteful.

    I don't believe that I have ever called you an idiot. I did treat you differently in front of the Snake due to knowing that is how he sees women form the way that Slyvis treated you. Again... I had a reason.

    You plans seem to be thoughtful, but we are on a pretty extreme time frame so getting a message to him might not be able to work. We had 2 days. 1 was spent doing an extended rest, and we are in the middle of the other on. Just something to keep in mind.

    I do hope that we can get past our differences, but I will leave this group and go it alone if necessary.

  8. Well I guess I should chime in before the group disintegrates.

    If the group devoted half us much energy on trying to solve the problems at hand rather than ribbing each other, Jobe would be home safe in his bed.

    No one likes to be called a coward, and no one likes to have their ideas or their gods impuned whether blatantly stated or eluded to (if Kalvin does not see his omitions as slights, I have seen them that way), why Bemon has such a problem with melora after recieving the party's aid on the quest for his god seems strange; but I think it has something to do with whatever Bemon does, Kalvin supports and vice versa.

    Anyway, it is difficult to tell when roleplaying banter becomes more than friendly, especially when we are not communicating in person and in real time. So please channel your energy towards the game rather than each other, if anyone wants to fling around banter lets keep it to the live game.

  9. Sounds good. Thanks for stepping in. Sorry for being bitchy Wendy. It was all meant in fun and games and I probably took it to far. Cya monday.

  10. This sounds good to me too - sorry if I have sounded bitchy as well - "The sun will come up tomorrow" and we will all be happy again. :)
