Friday, April 24, 2009

What we should do

For clarification – I talked with William and a day has NOT passed – we still essentially have 2 days (we used the circle to get here immediately and Orentho saw us right away. So we do have a bit time…)

Here is what I think we need to do:

1. Ask Orentho if he can locate Slivis
2. Ask Orentho if there is anything we can do to prevent this guy from actually killing Jobe – any spells we could use at the meeting. This guy seems very powerful, but can we compel him somehow, or just outright stop him? Could we put him in time warp or something?
3. Can we use any spells to determine how many and where all of his crew is when we meet? So we at least know how many and where they are.
4. We need to know what the weaknesses of a Meso-demon – because we will need to put him down first and fast – I know, from my experience, that it will be hard to take him down if we just do our normal tactics; we need information – if that means Orentho sends one of us to look through books, or we pay someone who is fast to help us…
5. We can use the trap plan; as it pointed out, my alignment is one of neutrality, and we can use this to our advantage. Let me try to contact him, tell him I have had it with the goodie-to-shoes (not sure if that is the correct spelling, sorry) in this group, and if he wants the god key, I can take it to him, but he has to meet me, and I will take him to Kalvin. This is in an option, as Kalvin and I did not exactly look like a happy cohesive group when we met this guy.
6. We could do all of the above as well. I know time is an issue, but that does not mean that we can’t try these options.
7. Looking at this from the simpliest viewpoint – A) We say no this guy, and see if he really kills Jobe and the family (at which time we can raise them) or B) We give him the key and get Jobe’s family back.
8. There is one other option, not yet brought up – Let’s ask him what he wants to use the key for, maybe we could do the job for him – we keep the key, he gets his job done.
9. Locate Mesothraxair and try to get him in on this, after all, he did warn us that this was coming; he may be able to help us in a number of ways. I think we should do this no matter what – we need to know why this guy warned us – what is in it for him and how it impacts us.

This covers all of the options I can think of, anybody have any other ideas?


  1. Now thats what I am talking about. Excellent post Wendy.

    My thought on each of your points.

    1: I’m all for locating Slivis, but to what cause? Do we wish to enlist him as an allie? I can’t say for certain and I do not wish to judge a book by its cover, but I have a feeling that he is Evil and those types always break their words. But it doesn’t hurt to know where all the pieces of the board ar at.
    2: You pose a good question but I can’t imagine he will be able to tell us much besides what his weakness might be. As far as the time warp goes, I am all about using it as a weapon cause that sounds freaking cool. Not knowing how to use it or the amount of life drain it will take does raise some concern for me.
    3: Again good question and any info we can get will be helpful.

    4: We know that he is hard to hit. Can the DM tell us any more info on this bad ass that we might know other than what was already included last game? Lets ask Orentho about Mesotheleorax specifically. Orentho seems to know the names of the players thus far and might have more info to give us.
    5: This is at least a plan. Although I am lawful, ambush tactics are not out of my realm of options. The question would be how do you get a hold of him and convince him that you have turned. Evil creatures are very suspicious in situations like this. We could borrow one of the Halflings fingers and you could say that you chopped it off as a gift and that Bemon is tied up as a prisoner for him.
    6 Agreed

    7: Bring him back to life. Never thought of it being that simple, but good idea. Let’s assume that we don’t want him and the family to get killed. And I don’t plan on giving up the key. If this is an issue at all then we will need to talk about at the game. You are correct these are defineatly options that should be discussed.

    8 Again, if they are evil I would like to stay away from helping them out. I can’t imagine that anyone wishing power wouldn’t want to keep this though.
    9 I’m confused here. Mesothraxair is the bad ass that you whacked who was hanging out with the clawed snake dude who’s name escapes me. My books are way over there and I don’t want to get up.. We didn’t talk to him at all. Slivis is the one who warned us about beings trying to capture us and contacting him was in one of the above posts which I think is a good idea as well.

  2. Great Post Ella, Stepping it up, nice. Good Ideas.

    Trying to fool these guys might prove very difficult and risky. On your own, I don't think it is wise, but if you want go for it. Just use Kalvin's ear, He is a half elf and only needs one ear anyway.

    Keep in mind, Orenthos was being kind in giving us info and I really don't think he is going to give us too much help without some type of compensation. He gave us info but I wouldn't trust him as an ally. Who knows he may have given us wrong info or information for his own purposes.

    FYI from what I know about people we know are in play.

    Silvis - Rat like creature that warned Kalvin about shawdowfell under Well of Demons
    Clanis (some "C" name) is the snake creature that Ella and Kalvin encountered. He had a body guard that was a meso demon. May have the name of Mesothraxair, but not certain on that.

    Side note, Been looking at the map of the vale and I think after this we should go look at some of the abandoned ruins around here. Maybe one could be our base of operations.
    Kalton Manor, taken over by monsters of the Witchlight Fens.
    Raven Roost, rumored to be a haven for bandits.
    Kobald Hall, just asking for someone to clean it out. Ruins of Fastormel Wizard tower surrounded by magical mist.

    I know rescue Jobe & family first blah blah blah. Just thinking of the future after this little adventure.
