Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blight Rock

With the K-man not getting back for a few days. What should we do about the Blight Rock? I think that we should report it to the local authorities. Then maybe they can take care of it. Thoughts???


  1. If we do, we shouldn't do it ourselves. I don't know that contact with the po-po is a good idea for us.

    Another option might be to stake it out. See if someone/something a little less dead shows up; someone we might be able to question.

  2. I agree that we shouldn't do it ourselves. We can send someone else to talk about it.

    I thought about staking out the rock, but hanging out in the blighted area doesn't feel good. So I don't know how we could watch it without negative effects happening to us.

  3. Another option is to go to the steel minestry and tell them something went wrong and we ended up here without a guide. My be fun. If they don't kill us we could get some insite on the other side.
