Staff of Missile Master +1, bonus to Magic Missile, Daily: target 2 creatures with Magic Missile, 520 gp
Flesh Seeker Spear +2, Encounter: +1 to hit on next attack against a foe you hit, 2600 gp (any melee)
Vengeful Greatsword +1, Encounter: when an enemy hits a bloodied ally, gain +2 attack and +1d10 dmg against attacker, 1000gp (any melee)
Final Word Longsword +1, Daily: Immediate reaction to getting hit with melee attack, make melee basic attack against the enemy that hit you, 1000 gp (axes, heavy blades)
Quicksilver Blade Dagger +1, +1 initiative, Daily: gain a move action when you score a crit, 520 gp (light blades)
Whistling Songbow Longbow +1, bardic implement, Daily: Attack with bard power, each ally within 5 squares of the target gains +2 to attack vs that target, 520gp (any bow or crossbow)
Pact Hammer +1, (I'll post the details tonight when I get home tonight)
Agile Scale Armor +1, gain bonus to AC from Dex upto +1 while not bloodied, 1000gp (chain, scale, plate)
Leather armor of sudden recovery +2, +1 to all saves vs ongoing dmg, Daily: ends ongoing dmg, gain regen equal to ongoing dmg until end of encounter, 3400 gp (cloth, leather)
Marauder’s Hide armor +2, +1 to AC after charging, Daily: hit with charge attack make a save +2, or spend healing surge and regain surge +2 hps, 2600 gp (leather, hide)
Runic Leather Armor +2, +2 bonus to Arcana checks, +2 dmg w/ arcane attacks after second wind, 3400gp (any armor)
Summoned Hide Armor +3, At-Will (minor): banish armor to extradimensional space, another minor to bring it back equipped, 9000gp (any armor)
Veteran’s Leather Armor +2, +1 attack and defenses when you spend an action point, 2600gp (any armor)
Baldric of Time (waist,) when you roll natural 20 on initiative gain extra move action on first round of the encounter, 1800gp
Belt of Blood (waist,) healing surge value increases by CON mod while bloodied, 5000gp
Symbol of Battle +1, Daily (free): +1d10 dmg whit attack using the symbol, 1000gp
Wand +1, (I'll post the details when I get home tonight)
Flame Bracers (arm,) +1d6 fire damage on melee attack crit, Daily: next attack deals +1d6 fire dmg, 680gp
Gloves of Recovery (hands) Daily: miss with a melee attack power, make an immediate melee basic attack against same target, 1,000gp
Gloves of Grace (hands) Daily: An adjacent ally makes a saving throw, 1000gp
Lucky Charm (neck, magically delicious,) Daily: Miss with attack or fail a save, skill, or ability check, roll 1d6 and add result to the failed roll, use the new result, 840gp
Collar of Recovery +1 (neck,) +1 extra hp regained when spending a healing surge, 840gp
Watchful Ruby Eye (wonderous,) +2 skill checks on warding rituals, can be used as focus in rituals that allow foci, 1800gp
Harp of Deeper Slumber (wonderous,) Daily: Each creature within 20 squares takes –15 penalty to perception checks, 680gp
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We need to give some thought to how we plan to divy this up. In my mind the harp, collar, gloves of grace and ruby eye are all "party" items and should not count against anyone's alotment of items.
ReplyDeleteFor the rest, I'm not sure how we should do it. I know we'll all have ones we really want, but I'm not sure how to handle conflicts. I was thinking we just go down the list, if there is a conflict the item goes to the pc with the lowest total gp value of magic items (not including consumables.) If their is a tie, or if none of the interested pc's have any items yet, then we just roll off.
Or, we could just roll off for picking order and go 1 through 5 then 5 through 1 and so on.
Other thoughts?
Correction, I don't think the collar is a party item, just the harp, gloves of grace and ruby eye.
ReplyDeleteAlso, some of the items can't be used by anyone (holy symbol of battle) so unless we can transfer the enchantment to another type of implement, I'd say those kinds of items go into party treasure too, (maybe we can turn them into residium if we don't have enough.)
My picks are, I believe fairly flexible. Longbow is obvious one. (I hope we can increase enchantment to +2, but +1 is still awesome)
ReplyDeleteArmor, I need something, I am probably not going to do much melee so that rules out some of them. Really any will be fine as long as it is scale. The current enchantment on the scale does me no good b/c my dex is 10 :(
Again the other magical items I am flex able with.
THanks for posting the magical items Rodney.
I think it would be helpful if everyone posted the items they already have (alchemical stuff not included) I see that some things are on the list already (leather of sudden recovery)
ReplyDeleteI can only assume that rodney means a party item is one that works well for everyone so I am uncertain why the collar is not a party item?
This should included all items (alchemical stuff not included) that anyone has. If I missed anyone's items let me know. From our conversation at the end of the game, I was under the impression we were just going to put it all in the same pile and then split it up. If that's not what other's are thinking let me know.
ReplyDeleteBy party, I meant items that aren't necessarily directly beneficial to the indivual that owns it in combat. The harp, the ruby eye are primarily non-combat so the party would most likely be able to use them however we needed, regardless of who "owns" them. The gloves of grace are a combat item, but they don't directly benefit the wearer, it benefits another party member. At least that's the way I was looking at it.
William, Chris wants to know, since he's into this whole "forgotten god" thing, if he could somehow transfer the holy symbol enchantment to the strange stone he carries and use it as an implement for his powers? Not standard, but it does go well with his background. If not, the next logical choice to transfer to his stone is the Lucky Charm.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, he just wants some armor. He doesn't really care which one.
Okay, here is what I would like
ReplyDeleteI would like to have the enhancement bonus of the leather I currrently have put onto the hide +3 - I like the hide +3 because I can wear that while we are in towns, but have it put into the demensional space. I do not like to be without armor (as you already know), and this would be a great option. However, I really like the sudden recovery.
I would really like the gloves of recovery, as they would work well with my character - since I have a power that turns my basic attacks into something a bit more powerful.
If a longsword goes unclaimed, I would carry it - but I would rarely use it, if at all.
I'm a little confused on wendy's armor description. Are you saying you want to end up with +3 hide armor that has sudden recovery AND the dimensional thing?
ReplyDeleteWendy misspoke in a couple of spots, first I think she is wanting to take the power from the leather and put it onto the hide (not the enhancement). Also I think her basic attack is a charge thing and I am not sure how that would work.
ReplyDeleteFor Chris, yes you could transfer the holy symbol to the stone, but it would transfer slightly different than the holy symbol, it woul basically be a +1 to hit via implement, and would do the 1d10 on a crit. It would fall into the enhancement category.
Rodney, still not sure why the collar is not a group item, but hopefully we will get it figured before the game.
Yep she wants the hide+3 to have the dimensional power as well as the sudden recovery power.... Just so you know how this works with the table it would be this:
ReplyDeleteit would destroy the leather, cost 1700g in residium, take 2 days after which it would have a 10% failure rate.
I'll let chris know. And, I'm fine with the collar being considered a party item.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be a dick, but I'm totally opposed to transfering the sudden recover to the dimensional +3 hide armor. Basically that's combining the 2 most powerful items we have into 1. I don't know how everyone else feels about that, but it seems lop-sided to me. I know both Brian and Chris have expressed interest in the sudden recovery armor, I would assume the other would take the runic armor, but I don't want to speak for them. Just the fact that the dim armor is +3 makes it very impressive.
Also, did you say that enchantments can only be transfered to items that are already magic or the pc's one "latent" item? If that's the case, if anyone should get the advantage of multiple sets of armor, it should be Simon. We only have 1 suit of scale, and it has the lowest enhancement bonus AND the property on it currently is of no benefit to Simaon.
Just my thoughts. I'd love to hear others chime in.
As for myself, I would like the Flesh Seeker spear powers and enhancement transfered to my sword.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like the veteran's armor and the marauder's armor, but don't really want to spend a feat to use hide (marauder's) so maybe transfer the marauder's power/property to a suit of leather. Not really super attached to either.
As far as the misc items (no weapon/armor) there are 2 that are just melee, (gloves of recovery and flame bracers.) I would assume these would go to Wendy and I. I don't really care who gets what. The others are good for anyone, although the belt of blood would be worthless for anyone without a positive con mod. I would assume Darin, Brian, and Chris would take these.
Can you tell I've got nothing better to do tonight? lol
ReplyDeleteYou said the table can do transfer enchantment rituals per the book, 1 hour, 100gp in residium. So if we're just doing a straight transfer of all magical enchantments on one item to another item (like the spear to my sword) is it just 1 hour and 100gp?
This is what I would like.
ReplyDeleteStaff of Missile Master +1, bonus to Magic Missile, Daily: target 2 creatures with Magic Missile, 520 gp
(Turned into a staff of phantom bolt)
Runic Leather Armor +2, +2 bonus to Arcana checks, +2 dmg w/ arcane attacks after second wind, 3400gp (any armor)
Leather armor of sudden recovery +2, +1 to all saves vs ongoing dmg, Daily: ends ongoing dmg, gain regen equal to ongoing dmg until end of encounter, 3400 gp (cloth, leather)
Collar of Recovery
I also think that any items that we are not going to use, burn them down for the Rescidium and use that to improve any items that we are wanting to keep.
Melting down one of thoes magic armors (Wendys idea) does not seem like something I would do when we can outfit others in the group with them. I understand wanting to make the badass armor, but not at the cost of the others in the group.
I think that the collar is defineatly a personal item. (It's +1 AC right?) I would gladly take it.
Wouldn't hurt either to look at what each item is costing us. Belt of Blood 5000gp Summoned Hide Armor +3 9000gp. Thats a lot of treasure and or rescidium. I think that all characters should get what they can use that betters the party. Don't get me wrong if you take the Hide and can also use multiple other items (swords, harps etc) you should not have to worry about the cost, but should take it into consideration what others are getting. There are a lot of items here that are for melee and I can't and don't want to use them so please take them fighter types.
ReplyDeleteWow Lots of posting. OK it's good to look at the gp cost. But what about this option. everyone picks one wepon and one armor to start. William picks randomly the order of who picks. First one picks one items and so on, after the last person picks its first item, then that person picks again for their second item. That way that person doesn't get totallly hosed. then after that we see what is left and see what we can do to augment, but take into account gp and + values.
ReplyDeleteI'm good with that.
ReplyDeleteCollar of Recovery +1: +1 to Will, Fort, and Ref.
Property: +1 hps when spending a healing surge to regain hps.
Forgot the bonus to Will, Fort, and Ref when I posted originally.
Hey William what will it take to get a +1 weapon to a +2 ie songbow in residuum
ReplyDeleteAlso two more things.
ReplyDelete1.) I have a wand I didn't include in the mix.
Do we want to include all magic items in the list? If so it is a Wand of Allure +1 (840 gp)
2.) Really we only have about 6 armors to choose from. and 6 to 7 weapons to choose from. Most of the picks should be pretty easy. Fighters choose from these and magic users choose from those. Not really that difficult. I really don't think there will be much swoping out of powers b/c we have maybe 650 of residuum.
Either way I would like to get the main weapon and armor out of the way and the changing of them we can decide on Monday.
Good night all.
Okay first things first, William will not be getting involved in treasure picking, and I sure hope what I posted about Wendy wanting to combine the armours was not taken as anything more than me telling you what Wendy wants, it was NOT an endorsement. You guys are on your own for party order or rolling randomly for items.
ReplyDeleteRodney, yes you are correct that the spear could be transfered to your sword, but I did want to clarify that it is not 100g, but 100g IN RESIDIUM.
Darin, et al.; the stone does not have the ability to increase an items power, so what it would take to increase an item to +2 enhancement is a +2 item. THERE IS NO COMBINING ITEMS OR ADDING EXTRA RESIDIUM TO INCREASE THE ENCHANTMENT AFFECT.
BRIAN, there is no way to use the table to change the enhancement from magic missle to phantom bolt.
I think there might be a little confusion about me leting Chris turn his little black rock into a magical item. This is outside the normal use of the table and is only because of the bacground for Talos, and not because of a mechanic with the table. I will allow some uses of the table in keeping with character building that might go outside the normal use, but it will be only in exceptional and well role played instances.
One more thing, the table does not disenchant items, so Residium is going to be a hard material to come by, especially if no one has the ritual for it.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to chose, I would like to keep the armor that I am using right now - sudden recovery - it worked just smashingly for me, and think it works great for me. So, I am happy with what I am currently using.
ReplyDeleteAt second glance, and last glance for tonight - the Marauder’s Hide armor +2 is probably better than the leather I have on. It would give me one more on my AC and give me some bonus to charging - probably better. In addition, since I can use Hide, while others can't, this could free up some leather.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the clarification William.
ReplyDeleteI say we just all list what one item we want most, if there are no conflicts at that point, we move on and say what we want 2nd, and so forth.
I'll start with Chris and I because I don't think anyone has spoken up about the items he and I want thus far.
Rodney's 1st choice = Flesh Seeker Spear
Chris's 1st choice = Holy Symbol
Once the other 3 post their choice, whoever wants (probably the last to post their 1st) can post their 2nd IF there are no conflicts in first choices. After that, the other 2nd choices can be posted in whatever order people get online.
I don't want to get involved in deciding order, but whatever way it goes it should be equal field for everyone so posting order is a poor way to go (Wendy for one cannot even access this site from school).
ReplyDeleteAside from that I would make a suggestion: There should be roughly 5 items per person (there are only 22 listed above and I don't have time right now to go through and see which ones you guys missed, I know Chris' pact hammer is not on there and Darin pointed out the wand)
I think it might be wise to start from scratch and say all the items are back on the table, then list the 4 (in order) that you would like to have, then everyone knows their preference and it leaves roughly 5 out that could be sold/disenchanted or have their powers transfered.
I'm good with that plan too. Just to be clear, I wasn't saying who ever claimed an item first got the item, only that we each indicated what item we wanted most. If more than one person wanted the same item we'd have to roll off for it, or work it out some other way.
ReplyDeleteI do still like the idea of going in rounds. Peoples choices are likely to change as items come off the board. Making a list all at once will certainly lead to a fair amount of overlap and having to "sort stuff out."
I'd be happy with reverse alphbetical for round one, opposite for round two...
That would be Zane, Xandra, Talos, Simon, Rellys in round 1. Rellys, Simon, Talos, Xandra, Zane for round 2. And back and for the rest of the rounds. (Obviously, starting with alphabetical in the 1st round is fine with me too, as it would give me first choice, but I am totally happy either way.)
This would just be picking the items as is. We'd each have to sort out any transfering details on our own afterwards.
I'll add Chris' pact hammer and Darin's wand to the list. Rellys was carrying the dagger, the final word longsword, and the veteran's leather, all of which are on the list. Does anyone have any other items that were not included?
I am fine with you guys doing this on the board.... Does everyone agree to that or does someone want to wait until monday? If it seems like everyone is agreeable then I would say go forward with the order that Rodney proposed. One last question just to clarify, are you guys wanting people to pick whatever they want regardless of what they want to do with it? Say someone picks the most expensive item because they want the residium? Or are you limiting it to only picking items that you will actually use? Or are you also allowing in items that you will attempt to transfer enchantments to another item?
ReplyDeleteFor me before you pick the items in order it sure would be nice to know who has an interest in what. But if you all want to just do a draft pick that is fine with me.
Lastly, does anyone besides Chris and Rodney want to directly transfer a power from one item to another?
As far as I'm concerned you can do whatever you want with the items you pic. However, if you are thinking of just melting it down for residium (as opposed to using it as is, or transfer some/all of it to another item,) it wouldn't hurt to let the group know ahead of time. If someone really wants an item to use, and someone takes it just to destroy it, it might cause some irritation. Not that you can't do it, but it would give others a chance to speak their mind.
ReplyDeleteMy primary interest is the Spear, which I will transfer to my longsword. After that several of the armors are appealing (+3, +2 marauder's, +2 veterans, +2 sudden recovery,) although I would have to spend a feat to use the hide armors. So I'm pretty flexible on armor. The gloves of recover, bracers of flame and collar of recovery would all be useful, but not my primary focus.
Since the table can do the transfer enchantment ritual per the book, does that mean it can transfer enchantments directly to non-enchanted items. If so, I'd lean towards on of the hide armors, and Darin could transer one of the higher plus armors to his chain or a normal suit of chain.
The table cannot enchant non-enchanted items, with the exception of the unique items that have already been mentioned (Talos' black stone, Rellys' sword, Simon's flute).
ReplyDeleteI think that if someone will use the item, then it should have priority over destroying it for residium.
As I state above, since everything is back on the table, I would like the +2 hide, the gloves of recovery
Eventually, I would love to find a way to enchant my battleaxe and then add enhancements of some sort. My main focus is to improve my ability to hit, stay up, and take a lot of blows - that way I can kill things.
If someone asks what I want or am interested in, I will list all of those things that I would like - that does not mean I am trying to state my claim or take all of the powerful items just because they are powerful. I just want to be effective. I don't want to fight over this, and this sure seems like what is happening - maybe it is just because I am reading a hundred posts all at everyone relax - keep your panties on (or not, whatever relaxes you) - it is a game