Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can we have a show of hands?

Damn, I don't think I've spent this much out of game time on a game since our "What we know/What we think we know" meeting way back in William's GURPs campaign in Lawrence.

We've had several options proposed for sorting this out. William, I know you don't want to be caught in the middle of this, but maybe you could set up a pole like you've done in the past, and we can just all vote on what method we want to use. These are the ones I think have been mentioned:

1. Everyone submits a list of the 4 items they want in order of preference. If no conflicts, done. If conflicts we'll need to figure out a way to resolve them.

2. Roll for random picking order and go in rounds, reversing order each round. We could have Darin roll for the order, or we could wait and roll/pick on Monday.

3. Go in rounds with picking order determined by some criteria (alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, age, birthday month/day, whatever.) Reverse picking order each round.

4. Go down the list 1 by one. If more than 1 person wants the item decide based on gp value or group consensus.

Or, any other means we want to add to the list.


  1. I say we all log into an IM one of these nights (tonight at 9) and we can pick as we go. That way if your item gets picked you can change what you want. Either Yahoo IM or one of the many others would work. I think that you can conference people in. That way we can have a live conversation for this.

  2. Let me know what IM stuff you want to use, the only one I have installed is skype.


    Google talk is small easy to install and looks easy to use.

  4. I have yahoo messenger. My id is justsumguy66.

    I can install whatever other program anybody else wants to use. Should we vote on that too? :)

  5. I can install yahoo messenger. Lets use that.
    All in favor (I)
    All opposed (silence)

    Vote passed.

  6. If everyone has a gmail account, it has IM
    William has IM from gmail as well
    We can use skype as well if we want to actually have a real time conversation and not typing.

  7. okay, yahoo messenger it is. I will install it when I get home from work and put my ID on here.

  8. is my yahoo id
