Blog Archive

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Done 'til January

Sorry guys, yep we are done until January. Things are too busy and I am now open on Sundays. Reply to this so I know you got it, otherwise I will give you a call this weekend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Done till Jan?

So are we done till Jan?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Daily

I'll be taking:

A globe of orange flame coalesces in your hand. You hurl it at
your enemies, and it explodes on impact.

Daily ✦ Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 3 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Miss: Half damage.

So I will just tell ya now to look out. It's gonna hurt.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I say we do something.

Monday, November 2, 2009

GAME CANCELED 11-02-2009

Williams truck broke down. With that and me not making it, the game has been canceled tonight. Later all.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

can't make it

I can't make it this monday. I need to watch erica.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Game On!

So what's the plan? Were going to wait 2 days for Rellys to make it back. That should give him pleanty of time if he has to run around and evade anything/ anyone. With that said I plan on messing with that residum stick and jem/plate thing that we found. We should set up watch so that we can see if anyone is heading our way. If he is not back in 2 days we should head back to where we left him at to loot his lifeless body. Once we are all together I say that we head back to town and see if we can figure out what this thing was. I would also like to see if we can shave off any piece of this blight rock and see if it prevents us from useing our alomancy powers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Wheel of Time book out

Just thought some of you might want to know that the new Robert Jordan book written by Brandon Sanderson is now out. I am downloading it from audible today.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I hate you all. I just bought AION. Anyone set up a ventrilo chat server yet? What servers and character names should I use and add to friends list.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Blight Rock

With the K-man not getting back for a few days. What should we do about the Blight Rock? I think that we should report it to the local authorities. Then maybe they can take care of it. Thoughts???

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm a Bad Honkey MOFO!!!

Just so you all know. With 4th level and the magic items I have recently gotten. I am now a Bad Honkey MOFO. Yea I said it. So you better not be flanking me anymore bitches...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

just for the record

The IM chat was pretty much pointless. It sure would be nice if Rodney as the one to propose the meeting would have been there. Thank you Brian for comming up with the list of who gets what.

Item distribution

Runic Leather Armor +2
Staff of Missile Master +1
Collar of Recovery

Wand +1
Whistling Song bow Longbow +1
Agile Scale Armor +1
Lucky Charm

Flesh Seeker+2 spear transferred to sword
Veteran’s Leather Armor +2 (or the Summoned Hide Armor +3)
Baldric of Time?????
Flame Bracers

Pact Hammer +1,
Symbol of Battle +1,
Leather armor of sudden recovery +2
Belt of Blood ???
Gloves of Grace

Marauders Hide +2
Gloves of Recovery
Vengeful Great sword +1 and the Final Word Long sword +transferred to your axe. +1 from one and either (final Word or Vengeful)from the other.

Quicksilver Blade Dagger +1,
Summoned Hide Armor +3,
Watchful Ruby Eye
Harp of Deeper Slumber

We just need to see if we have enough recidium to transfer the few properties to items.


Well that yahoo IM is a PAIN IN THE ASS to set up

my name is

wendy is (she thinks)

Can we have a show of hands?

Damn, I don't think I've spent this much out of game time on a game since our "What we know/What we think we know" meeting way back in William's GURPs campaign in Lawrence.

We've had several options proposed for sorting this out. William, I know you don't want to be caught in the middle of this, but maybe you could set up a pole like you've done in the past, and we can just all vote on what method we want to use. These are the ones I think have been mentioned:

1. Everyone submits a list of the 4 items they want in order of preference. If no conflicts, done. If conflicts we'll need to figure out a way to resolve them.

2. Roll for random picking order and go in rounds, reversing order each round. We could have Darin roll for the order, or we could wait and roll/pick on Monday.

3. Go in rounds with picking order determined by some criteria (alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, age, birthday month/day, whatever.) Reverse picking order each round.

4. Go down the list 1 by one. If more than 1 person wants the item decide based on gp value or group consensus.

Or, any other means we want to add to the list.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Enchantment questions for William

I know you're going to post some about transfering enchantments, but I have a couple of specific questions:

- Can the holy symbol enchantment be transfered to a different kind of implement? (wand, orb, staff, etc.)

- Can the staff of missle mastery be re-focused to a different wizard At-Will power? (granting the same bonuses, but to a different power.)

- If we transfer an items enchantments to another item I know the pluses don't stack, but what about the misc powers? (example: if we transer +2 armor that gives +1 to saves to +2 armor that gives +1 initiative do we end up with one suit of+2 armor that does both? or one that does one and another that is destroyed/disenchanted? or do the armors simply swap enchantments?)



Staff of Missile Master +1, bonus to Magic Missile, Daily: target 2 creatures with Magic Missile, 520 gp

Flesh Seeker Spear +2, Encounter: +1 to hit on next attack against a foe you hit, 2600 gp (any melee)

Vengeful Greatsword +1, Encounter: when an enemy hits a bloodied ally, gain +2 attack and +1d10 dmg against attacker, 1000gp (any melee)

Final Word Longsword +1, Daily: Immediate reaction to getting hit with melee attack, make melee basic attack against the enemy that hit you, 1000 gp (axes, heavy blades)

Quicksilver Blade Dagger +1, +1 initiative, Daily: gain a move action when you score a crit, 520 gp (light blades)

Whistling Songbow Longbow +1, bardic implement, Daily: Attack with bard power, each ally within 5 squares of the target gains +2 to attack vs that target, 520gp (any bow or crossbow)

Pact Hammer +1, (I'll post the details tonight when I get home tonight)

Agile Scale Armor +1, gain bonus to AC from Dex upto +1 while not bloodied, 1000gp (chain, scale, plate)

Leather armor of sudden recovery +2, +1 to all saves vs ongoing dmg, Daily: ends ongoing dmg, gain regen equal to ongoing dmg until end of encounter, 3400 gp (cloth, leather)

Marauder’s Hide armor +2, +1 to AC after charging, Daily: hit with charge attack make a save +2, or spend healing surge and regain surge +2 hps, 2600 gp (leather, hide)

Runic Leather Armor +2, +2 bonus to Arcana checks, +2 dmg w/ arcane attacks after second wind, 3400gp (any armor)

Summoned Hide Armor +3, At-Will (minor): banish armor to extradimensional space, another minor to bring it back equipped, 9000gp (any armor)

Veteran’s Leather Armor +2, +1 attack and defenses when you spend an action point, 2600gp (any armor)

Baldric of Time (waist,) when you roll natural 20 on initiative gain extra move action on first round of the encounter, 1800gp

Belt of Blood (waist,) healing surge value increases by CON mod while bloodied, 5000gp

Symbol of Battle +1, Daily (free): +1d10 dmg whit attack using the symbol, 1000gp

Wand +1, (I'll post the details when I get home tonight)

Flame Bracers (arm,) +1d6 fire damage on melee attack crit, Daily: next attack deals +1d6 fire dmg, 680gp

Gloves of Recovery (hands) Daily: miss with a melee attack power, make an immediate melee basic attack against same target, 1,000gp

Gloves of Grace (hands) Daily: An adjacent ally makes a saving throw, 1000gp

Lucky Charm (neck, magically delicious,) Daily: Miss with attack or fail a save, skill, or ability check, roll 1d6 and add result to the failed roll, use the new result, 840gp

Collar of Recovery +1 (neck,) +1 extra hp regained when spending a healing surge, 840gp

Watchful Ruby Eye (wonderous,) +2 skill checks on warding rituals, can be used as focus in rituals that allow foci, 1800gp

Harp of Deeper Slumber (wonderous,) Daily: Each creature within 20 squares takes –15 penalty to perception checks, 680gp

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Magic Items

Wheres that list Rodney? You could call into work sick and get it done a lot faster.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Leather Armor

I would like that leather armor that we found, but I am willing to let one of you fighter types take it due to hopefully you being hit more often than I am. Any thoughts from the group?


Anyone remember what all these do and what the people are called that uses eash one?

Zinc (anger-emotion)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Song of the Quintet

Shall I begin our incredible tale
Just sit back and have a sip of your ale
The start of something great
these individuals carry such a weight
To change the Final Empire in such a great scale.

I start with the wizard named Zane
who at first glance is quite insane
Dressed in robes which are tattered
and acting like his mind is shattered
but a mage definitely in control of the mystic domain

Xandra Na'Avel of the Teethen Blood wielding her deadly axe
She downs her foes with her raging attacks
barbaric in her appearance
few can stop her perseverance
her adversaries can never relax

Talos the dwarven warlock of the star pact
and made an arrangement with the old gods as a matter of fact
He gives his enemies his dire radiance curse
sending them to the Raven Queen to converse
or he would say the old ones of his contract

The sword mage Rellys assaults with his sword
but his conversing with it, should be ignored
He teleports into battle from here to there
in which he does with such great flair
his enemies knowing death is their reward

And finally the hero with lyrics named Simon Quinn
with his melodies and swashbuckling grin
he hopes his song inspire courage and hope
for they will change the world to such a scope
this is how legendary champions truly begin.

Together we are the Quintet
Warriors in harmony eliminating the threat
using magic to utterly defeat
evildoers under their feet
Time will show all will be in their debt


Thursday, September 24, 2009


DM Questions to the rebel that we are talking to.

  1. Does the underground have a tatoo artist that can give me a quick prelate tattoo?
  2. Why are the magic useing "ska" actually called mystborn?
  3. Does the resistiance have a leader?
  4. How is the "white cloth" made. It looked like it was being produced on a farm.

Questions for the group.
1. Are we thinking that we are on the side of the rebellion?
2. Will the powers that we are able to use going to make everyone think that we are mystborn? ie. If Rellis/Ahrin (Rodney I forgot your name) teleports during a fight. That will probably look like magic.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pizza Tonight.

We are all ordering Pizza tonight... Right?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Start

After thinking about the new start, I think it will be just as interesting if you guys do not have any known relation to each other. I don't care if some of you want to know each other or not, but the restart I am thinking of really will not make any difference as you all will be thrown together. Please be very specific about starting equipment as you will not immediately be in an area to re-equip. Also, please prep your character out at least 3 levels and have an idea of where you want to be in 5-6 levels. The leveling pace is going to go quicker than normal experience would allow, but I might keep you guys at 1st-2nd to get to know the characters.

As for backgrounds, if you can work something into the background about why you might have sought out the pyramid of shadows, or how you came to be caught into the pyramid that would be helpful. Be as creative as you want, and if you want to know your old characters, that is great. Perhaps you came into the pyramid because you were hired in the 7 pillar hall, perhaps you had heard of the exploits of the Chimera's and were looking to join, perhaps you were sent by Gathkin with a message, or with tidings about the workings of the river rats. Maybe you were looking for more information about how they traveled around so quickly and about the turmoil they left in hammerfast.

When picking starting equipement feel free to spend 2x normal starting funds if you need it, and write down remaining coin. You will not be starting with magic items except potions if you want to take them.

Please post what you are thinking about as for characters, currently I have people in the following rolls:
Wendy.. Striker or Defender
Brian.. Controller
Darin.. Leader
Rodney.. Striker
Chris.. Controller (invoker?)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't forget to prep for level

Labor Day

If you guys want to show up anytime after 4:30 or so that would be great. We will provide burgers and brauts, if you guys could bring chips or macaroni salad or potato salad or whatever you would like with the burgers. I also have some beer of course, though I don't have a lot of MGD left so if anyone wants something specific please bring what you want. I did pick up a 2 liter of coke, and I have wheat beer in the keg.
What time are we showing up and what should we bring?

Monday, August 24, 2009

game canceled 8/24

Game canceled tonight

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For real. No brian on monday.

After stephs school I have to attend our neighborhood watch block party so I will not be there this coming monday.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Game stuff

I think that everyone agreed that we should continue on without resting. I was the only one to really blow my powers and a few surges so lets finish mapping this area and go to the next level.

I question Verellis and how he got here. If he is as powerful as he says then how did he get tricked or accidently fall into the same trap that we did.

As far as our trap/accident goes... I still doubt the mage that sent us to the area where we walked into the gateway to this prision. Even if it wasn't him,what purpose is there to send us into this prison. Were we led here to be put away, or were we led here to break someone out?

Didn't Verillis say that if we excape we will release the bad guy with the demon army?

Just some thoughts on our current situation.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brian late on monday

Once again I have back to school stuff monday night.  So I will either be a no show or late.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I can not make it next Monday

Back to school night for Steph and Erica so I won't be at the game monday.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In Jail.

We have lost the 1st member from the Chimeras. His leadership will be missed. With that said I would like to have his body resurrected when we get out of here. We are all hurt pretty badly and will need to get some rest. Lets take an extended rest here and spend the time talking with the mage's staff and get a full 8 hours of info from it.(If you could post info William that would be great). After we are healed up we need to gather ourselves and start searching this prison. Finding a way out would be the goal here. And to figure out how we ended up in this situation would also be helpful.

Bemon and I spoke and he questioned us getting sent here as a possible trap from the mage that hired us. Did he want us out of the way and sent us here on purpose? Any thoughts?
Mari, do you remember what you asked your spell that pointed us to this area?

I do not know you very well yet Mari, (Rodney if you haven't, could you make sure that Chris has the website so that he can post) but it would be helpful to me to know what offensive and defensive abilities you have so that I can plan what I do to protect you better.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Padamir the Mage

Attention Citizens of the Vale!

Padamir the Mage is wanted for questioning by the Chimera. If you have seen this man please do not attempt to capture him by yourself. He is a powerful wizard and incredibly dangerous. This is why the Chimera has been called into action to take care of him. The Chimera are dedicated to the protection of the innocent and all who is good in the vale. If you have a problem and have no where else to go, the Chirmera can help! Any information of Padamir’s whereabouts please leave a note at the Halfmoon Inn in the

7 Pillared Hall.


Bemon Stoutheart

Founder of the Chimera, Welder of Soul Ripper blessed by Avandra, Owner of the Ring of Adamar, Treasurer of the Emerald Guild in Fallcrest, Student of the Bardic Arts, Vanquisher of countless evil doers, Destined to be a legend.

Who are we after?

So... Who is this guy and why are we after him? (Other than we were hired to do it.)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Not Playing 7/20

Hey guys, I am too busy this week to play Monday and Since Darin was not going to be there anyway I am cancelling. Hopefully everyone can make it the following Monday. Please reply so I know you got this message, otherwise I will call on Monday.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rodney and Chris not showing up.

I got a text that rodney was heading out of town for wor so that he and chris would not make it tonight. I won't be there as well so I would guess that we will be canceling.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just one important piece of information we learned while talking with Ana V. is that the coins in Jobe's family mouths are used to trap a soul.

On a different note, the others have you carrying a holy symbol for another god other than yours - I offered to store it in the bag of holding. You may not have any reservations with this, but I just thought that you have such a strong devotion to your god, I felt you may not want to carry this holy symbol.

We are now after a rouge mage named Padamar in the 7 pillar hall. On our way we fought some nasty carion crawlers and an oteholf (spelling is off I am sure). They were very tough, but we did prevail.

Left ALL npc's elsewhere.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Might be absent on monday

There is a high probability that I won't be there on Monday. Just depends on how Joy is doing, so unfortunatly I probably won't know until game time.

Post to the right

Nice update with all the houses.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thought for the next game session

Hello All, I wanted to get some conversation started on what we are doing next in the game. The way I see it, we need to deal with this person that wants to kill us and damage everything that we blip into. My first thought would be go out into the middle of nowhere, and start figuring out how the god key works. Really get the details down. What we can do well and what we can't do. Once we have figured out what we need to and if we haven't already met the mystery person out to do us in, we go to that person and have a chat with it. Lets discuss some ideas before hand so we don't waste a lot of time in the game what we can do on the board. Stay cool all.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The longwinded history lesson

Okay, sorry for some of the confusion and the delay in responding. Hopefully this will clear up a few things.

Here is the history as it is commonly known:
Roughly one century ago the realm was enjoying the height of prosperity and trade and industry were booming. Several noble houses had clawed their way to power and with their rise so came stability and the promise of even more growth and power to come. A traveler could walk from village to town within the vale without fear of bandits or worse. Each noble house prided itself in fielding a personal guard that guaranteed the safety of all that crossed their properties and few places within the vale besides the deep forests were not claimed by one house or another. Hundreds of families intermarried and allied themselves together until only a double handful of houses found themselves at the top. heading that pack was house Jarvis. The next two large houses (Markelhay and Padraig) were distant 2nd and 3rd in terms of size and power. House Jarvis owned all of the lands that are now called the Harkenwold and it was here that the bloodspear war really began. A little known guardsman, Brannas, was later found to be the one that sold out Nentir Vale to the Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Gnolls. Rumors of poisoned mead and other treacherous acts as well as several of the guards turning sell sword are common to how the war got started. From the start, house Jarvis was taken out from betrayel within the house and never stood a chance to rally troops before being overrun by the Bloodspear horde. Markelhay and Padraig were able to marshal enough troops to fight the greenskins back but not before the lands of Jarvis were plundered and the keep was raised to the gound, a few ruins remain in the area but no real marker of house Jarvis remains.

For those that have spent some time studying the time of the war (most of the players) this is the specifics you would know:
House Jarvis was indeed the most powerful of the top three houses, however, Jarvis was jealous of Padraig and Markelhay, specifically Markelhay’s captain of his house watch, a young Brannas Trellmon. Brannas was the son of a house that was quickly gaining a name for itself due to its training of guardsmen and swordsmen. Markelhay saw the promise of house Trellmon and was helping them gain power (some say too quickly for the taste of house Jarvis), when Jarvis arranged to have the Trellmons transferred to his own watch. Some say that it was this transfer that led Trellmon to betray house Jarvis.

And now specifically what Andros has been told and found out:
Andros has spent his life growing up in Harkenwold in the care of the Trellsens, a hard working family that seemed to work as a public notary and lay clerk. Their work gave Andros some special opportunities at education that others his age did not receive, and the family also hired a swordsman to show him some basic skills. The patriarch of the family “Grandma Trellsen” led the family with a firm hand and moved the men of the family off into business at their earliest opportunity. Andros began to notice that he was being groomed for a different path than the other men living in the household and his queries to the house Mother always left him feeling that she was keeping something back from him. The most information he ever got out of her was a vague reference to finding a job working for the Markelhays in Falcrest. How the old Mother could think that their minor family could ever gain an audience with the rulers of Falcrest was more than Andros knew. As opportunities passed Andros by and the health of the old Mother waned Andros found that he could spend more unsupervised time in the archives and paper stacks that the clerks of the family kept. It was here that he noticed the sigil that the old Mother wore on the men’s signet around her neck. He was also surprised to discover that it was a match for Brannas Trellmon, the betrayer of the Bloodspear war. Andros quickly found that the records within the archive were not complete, and the old Mother’s health was flagging. Within days of falling ill, the old Mother passed, leaving more questions for Andros than answers. Among the questions were many “unsanctioned honors” and some strange changes of official markings that appear to change the assignments of house guards. Andros spent a lot of time searching through those records for more specifics about Trellmon, but found that all the records of Brannas Trellmon and in fact all references of house Trellmon were missing, even though he had heard rumors in the street about Trellmon that would have meant that they would appear in the records. Andros concluded that either those records were somewhere else or they must have been altered or destroyed. With the Mothers passing, Andros found his desire to travel to Falcrest and search for answers more pressing. Finally he decided that perhaps he would take the old Mother’s advice and see if he could gain an audience with Lord Markelhay.

Lady Amelieta
Lady Amelieta claims that she is a friend of Andros' house and that she specifically owed Andros' father a debt of gratitude for services that Andros' family rendered her elven house during the bloodspear war. Andros does not recall her mentioning her family's name though he did notice that she had an embroidered golden thistle on her outfit that could be a heraldric symbol.
Amelieta also claimed that the Trellmons were responsible for avoiding a civil war as the outcome of the bloodspear war. She claimed that the realm came out of the war much more segmented and devided and that there was a strong following of house Trellmon. Because of the lay of the noble landscape, there was no peaceful way for the realm to divide with the Trellmons in place. She claims that Brannas, then lord of the house agreed to take his house out of contention in a way that would guarantee peace and stability. What he did not forsee was the stagnation that the vale would fall into in the next 100 years. As part of the agreement Brannas’ seven male heirs were scattered and the name of house Tallmon was destroyed with the claim of treason (there was also a rumor of a daughter that was scattered to the 4 corners as well). The sons agreed to go off into exile rather than split the realm.

Also in the mix:
There are some interesting claims in the mix of things, not the least of which is a reference to a brother of Andros (Banthos), who evidently spent some time living in Harkenwold, and by some claims was also present during the bloodspear war which is well outside his normal lifespan. NOTE: I have to be honest here and let you know that some of this information did not come out exactly as it should have, as I was planning on your adventure out of the 7 pillar hall to lead to this adventure. I did not take excellent notes on what I told Rodney about his adventure and I don’t want to spoil any cliffhangers or intrigue so I will leave it at that unless I mentioned something else to Rodney that he would like to share. I believe the only other thing of note that may have gotten glossed over is Eriss, not much is known about how he came back to life, who paid, and why his eyes have changed colors. And if I have not mentioned it, he has grown much from his original hire as the bannerboy, he is much more likely to voice an opinion and his skills with weapons as well as his confidence has grown much in the last several weeks.

Sorry for the small novel here, and I wish I had more time to write it (our power was out most of the day today, not sure why). Anyway if you have questions let me know.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Not adding up.

There are some things that we've discovered lately that don't jive with what I learned growing up.

- I was under the impression that my family was stripped of their tittle and holdings at the end of the Bloodspear War, (close to 100 years ago.) However, Arcanus believes the previous owner of the blade I now carry was my brother, Banthos, and that he was involved in the war in some way. It's unlikely that I have a 100+ year old brother. Possible time travel?

- Lady Ameliata showed me a crest very similar to the one I wear and indicated it was my father's crest. Again, if we were stripped of rank and tittle 100 years ago, my father would not have had a crest. He would have been in hiding as a commoner. This makes me wonder if I am not Bannas Trellmon's great grandson, but somehow one of his 7 sons that were sent into exhile. Again, possible time travel?

A more mundane explination might be that Arcanus and Ameliata used the terms "brother" and "father" to refer to members of my House, with Brannas being the patriarch or "father" of the house, and any living male decendants being "brothers."

It's also possible that I just misunderstood the specifics of the information I've received.

Any thoughts from anyone?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our plan of attack

So from what I remember the plan is,
#1 Blip into the Inn and interogate the fake Ella and Bemon
#2 Try to get slip and see what Anaviskar Raaz has to say.
#3 Meet with Mathkin to hear what he has to say about the 7 bros
#4 Maybe go see Anaviskar and talk to her.
#5 smack Kalvin for fun
#6 ......
Feel free to put in your two cents worth. Lets all try to come up with some solid ideas so William knows some what where we are going.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Andro's background (as he understood it growing up)

Shortly before the Bloodspear War, a minor noble house rose to promenence under the leadership of a gifted young lord, Brannas Trellmon. Lord Trellmon's skill as a military tactician quickly drew the attention of House Markelhay, and he soon became one of Lord Markelhay's most trusted advisors. When the war began, Brannas was immediately chosen as one of three field generals to lead in the defense of Fallcrest and the surrounding region. When the ill planned battle on Gardbury Downs decimated Fallcrest's army, leaving the entire region at the mercy of the Bloodspear Orcs, it also destroyed House Trellmon. Deserved or not, Brannas was credited with having brought on the defeat, either through poor leadership in the field or by outright treason. Whatever the case, Brannas and all of his family was stripped of title and property, and soon left Fallcrest, or what remained of it, in disgrace.

Like most young peasant boys in Harkenwold, Andros Trellsen spent his childhood dreaming of grand adventures. He was more fortunate than most and was taken under wing by a local noble's wife who made arrangements for him to join her own sons in their schooling whenever possible. It was during this schooling that he first began to suspect his family's heritage when he came across the Trellmon family sigil and noticed its similarity to an old ring his aging grandmother wore on a simple string around her neck. Any attempts to investigate his suspicions were met with silence or open rebuke. And, he had to let it go until his theory was given new life at his grandmother's death bed. "Sooner or later, all will know the truth," was all the dying woman said as she slipped the signet ring into his hand only moments before taking her last breath, but those words set young Andros on his current path.
Since that day, Andros has focused all of his attention on his goal. As soon as he could, he left his family and journeyed to Fallcrest to find the truth and restore his family's name and position. His intent is to discover the truth about Brannas' defeat at Gardbury Downs, hopefully proving that he was wrongfully accused of any misdeeds. Failing that, he plans to earn back his family status through his own exploits. In the five years since coming to Fallcrest he has carefully chosen companions who he believes can aid him in his quest, although he has not shared his heritage or his plans with them. He is driven by his passion and rarely passes up an opportunity to curry favor with those in power, or to learn more about the history of the Nentir Vale and its people, but he also realizes that in order to restore honor to his house he must first prove his own. Wealth and trappings are mearly tools in his quest; easily parted with to further his goals.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Where did we leave off?

So, we are waiting for the chickey babe to come back and tell us what she has found out about Andros right? We will need to figure out who framed us. Duhhh. We should also decide if we are staying in town or not once we rescue Andros.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dun dut dun dun dun dut dun

Ten years ago a crack adventuring unit was sent to prison by the Flame Caps for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from the city jail to the Hammerfast underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The Chimera’s

Monday, May 25, 2009


Wendy and I are going to grill some burgers and if anyone would like one they are welcome, though we do not have chips and all the fixings you are welcome to a burger. Also if anyone wants to bring something to grill you are more than welcome.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Social events

I don't really have a set agenda for the noble parties the group is attending, other than getting our name out there and building our rep/social network.

If there was some other specific information we were looking to get, I've honestly forgotten what it was. So, feel free to remind me anyone.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day

Hey Gang, just checking are we going to start early on M-day? I could do it, but wonder how the rest felt. Post something, I should see it late Sunday night. The wife and I are off to Northern MO for the in-laws thing. Later Darin

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ass Kicking

If you are reading this. My character is gonna kick your characters ass. Woo Hoo!!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Monday, May 11, 2009

GAme Monday night?

Are we still up for tonight and playing games? I am not 100% so if you all want to cancel that is ok with me. If everyone still wants to play then I will be there. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In Town

I had a thought. Maybe we could send an animal messanger to that lady you were wanting to talke to. I don't know how the spell works, but if it gets to her and she is interested in talking about the old magic then she could lets us know.

Lets not split up the group. I suggest that we postpone one and do the other on a different night. I like getting our rep up so keep up the good work. If we could get some work in town that might raise our reputation here I would love to go that route.

I don't know your goals or wants here so keep on watching whoever has the key. That sword of yours can keep them at bay.

If we stay another day I would like to spend time at the temple and seek guidance with the upper clergy about my weapon and where it came from. It still concerns me that it my be of a not totaly good nature. I also would like to acquire items to give the heathens across the mountains. Holy symbols, phamplets and things like that.

We cannot stay in one place too long for fear of key hunters tracking us down. I would like to find a way to mask the key. I believe that the Wizard told us that a lead box would mask it somewhat. We could aslo look into finding a way to put an anti-scry on a container and keep it in there.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Who want to see Star Trek this week? If you do, where and when?


Sorry about the lack of updates, been about an 80 hour work week for me.

I will have some information about Andros and where he has been by game time tomorrow but I don't know if I will have something written up before then.

The results of the sparing between Kalvin and Ella was interesting. The first several exchanges were not out of the ordinary, but Ella successfully blocked an attack that Kalvin was sure would have hit and done damage, and in doing so was able to make an immediate counterstrike using some of the momentum of Kalvins attack against him, nearly severing Kalvin's hand in the process (42 points of damage). Luckily Gathkin was close by and it appears that Kalvin will regain full use of his hand. After the attack Ella noticed that the rune no longer glowed, nor could the coin be removed until the next day when she also had the ability to change the glyph that it was marked with if she so chooses.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We will await Andro's return and see if that leads us to any adventure. While waiting I spar with Ella to see what her weapon is doing. (any posts of the results would be fun)

If Andros doesn't have any leads what would you all like to do?

Items on my personal list are :
Avenge Sams family's death.
Find a small area for us to have a FOS (Fortress of Solitude)
Get some working cash. I've got bills to pay you know.
Repay Orentho (cash or tasks. We owe him 1800 currently)

Friday, April 24, 2009

What we should do

For clarification – I talked with William and a day has NOT passed – we still essentially have 2 days (we used the circle to get here immediately and Orentho saw us right away. So we do have a bit time…)

Here is what I think we need to do:

1. Ask Orentho if he can locate Slivis
2. Ask Orentho if there is anything we can do to prevent this guy from actually killing Jobe – any spells we could use at the meeting. This guy seems very powerful, but can we compel him somehow, or just outright stop him? Could we put him in time warp or something?
3. Can we use any spells to determine how many and where all of his crew is when we meet? So we at least know how many and where they are.
4. We need to know what the weaknesses of a Meso-demon – because we will need to put him down first and fast – I know, from my experience, that it will be hard to take him down if we just do our normal tactics; we need information – if that means Orentho sends one of us to look through books, or we pay someone who is fast to help us…
5. We can use the trap plan; as it pointed out, my alignment is one of neutrality, and we can use this to our advantage. Let me try to contact him, tell him I have had it with the goodie-to-shoes (not sure if that is the correct spelling, sorry) in this group, and if he wants the god key, I can take it to him, but he has to meet me, and I will take him to Kalvin. This is in an option, as Kalvin and I did not exactly look like a happy cohesive group when we met this guy.
6. We could do all of the above as well. I know time is an issue, but that does not mean that we can’t try these options.
7. Looking at this from the simpliest viewpoint – A) We say no this guy, and see if he really kills Jobe and the family (at which time we can raise them) or B) We give him the key and get Jobe’s family back.
8. There is one other option, not yet brought up – Let’s ask him what he wants to use the key for, maybe we could do the job for him – we keep the key, he gets his job done.
9. Locate Mesothraxair and try to get him in on this, after all, he did warn us that this was coming; he may be able to help us in a number of ways. I think we should do this no matter what – we need to know why this guy warned us – what is in it for him and how it impacts us.

This covers all of the options I can think of, anybody have any other ideas?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Questions for Arcanus

I was hoping that Arcanus could give us some ideas on our items. What they might do, how to access their powers, where we could research more info on them? Any beings that might be able to help us out with research? Does he have any books that might be of use to us. Does he have any ideas on lost temples or ruins that would be benefical to investigate? We probably will go after Jobe, (2 of 4 want to so far) what can we antisapate from the snake guy and his flunkies. I personally am interested in his organzation of the wizards of sardoon. I would love to hear more about them and how they came into being, what they are doing and working one and who they are. Are there any openings for employees? I will thank him for all he has help us with and since he has been very forth coming in his answers and advice, is there anything he needs me to do for him?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What to do with the key?

We have a powerful item here and I think that we should use it to spread good around the world. Bahamut has seen us worthy to have it so I say that we use it. I would like to 1st offer a rescue mission to save Jobe and his family. We cannot sit by and allow others to get harmed because they have come in contact with us. We are the heroes of the realm and need to act like it. With that said. Who’s with me?

After that let’s use this tool to find some long lost areas that we would never be able to get to without it. I.e. Temples, groves, training grounds, lost civilizations or any number of places or things. A cool Fortress of Solitude that is shielded from warding or teleportation would be a nice start. I’m going to have to look at the history of the realm to see if anything specific rings a bell.

Finally when we are done with it I say we take this item and give it to Bahamut and tip the power of good. If he doesn’t want it then he can go hide it again, or task us to do so. I don’t think that we should just hide it on our own, with the possibility that the other one might show up we may need I to defend the realm.

These are just a few thoughts to kick off the discussion board.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Recap of earlier posts

This is just a small recap of what we posted earlier.

We will take a short rest to heal up with whatever surges we have left. (I would suggest that everyone keep one unused surge.)

I will examine the golden sword that I got from the dimension box. I wish to see if the metal is soft. By putting a minor scratch on it. Wield it and check it’s balance by going through a couple of stances.

Ella is looking at her coin for any markings that she can relate to. She is also walking the room, taking detailed notes and examining everything that she can.

Bemon, taking extreme precautions, is looking at the treasure on the floor. After he does that he will be examining his ring for anything of value.

After everything is done, we will be leaving this are by the way that we came in and trying to verify that we have indeed closed the doorway to the shadowfell.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Magic Items

Not having a lot of time to work at the game this week here is what I have decided.

Bemon searches the treasure pile and finds a lot of coinage. He also finds several powerful magic items. Each of you can choose 1 item from the book not to exceed 16000gp in value. Post your item's here so that I can make cards for them.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Cancel 4/13

Sorry guys, been too busy with work and taxes. Will have to skip this week. Post away and I will try and let you know what's going on with the treasure pile.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Let me know if guys have any questions or do anything with the treasure. I know we left it open whether you were taking an extended rest or not but you should be able to get fairly close to healed up before messing with it if you would like.

Also let me know if anyone is doing anything with the Ring, Sword, or Coin that you recovered from the dimensional boxes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

History from Kalvin

Here is some of Kalvins history. You party members have heard him mention these stories in passing.

Kalvin met Johnus, a human trader, years ago while he was escorting a food train to Fallcrest . Defeating all types of kobalds along the way impressed Johnus so much that he promised to give Kalvin a treasure map showing the location of a very sought after magical helmet named Chronepsis , said to be created for Bahamut himself. When they arrived to Johnus's home, it had been broken into and ram shacked. Along with several personal items the map was taken. Kalvin has only a mental picture of a map with a upside down symbol of Bahamut on it to look for.

Kalvin never got to play with the other kids in the summer. It was a time of training and solitude, but when he was allowed out his favorite game was (TAMARA). He excelled at this game. And bloodied many of his friends in playing it. The rules of TAMARA are as follows :The child who has the ball (or stick, or balled up shirt, or whatever object is used) is "it" and therefore the "Innocent". The Innocent has only his speed and 1 person (defender) on his side. The defenders job is to fight off everyone trying to catch the Innocent. He can use a small shield, the TAMARA, and his fists to defend the Innocent. The rest of the kids (the goblins) chase the "Innocent" down until he is tackled (usually in a dog pile fashion). The caught innocent then tosses the object away where the other goblins gather around it and wait to see who has the guts to pick it up and start running. Rumor has it that the name of this game comes from a shield that was lost during the Bloodspear war. It was said to be taken by an albino Goblin captain with only 1 eye who swore that he would live forever.

Kalvins favorite song while growing was the tale of Vendar and his sword Lendys.
All the bards of the vale know this song and sing of a battle lost. Where evil triumphed and good was almost lost from the realm. But Vendar would not accepting this fate and stood his ground. He held forth his fiery sword and turned the dragon away as if he himself was a god. The battle was not lost, but there was much pain. Vendar was hurt and he left the valley is search for hope and took his holy sword with him. There is a darkness now. Some say that there will be one who will reclaim the sword and bring it back to be the defender once again.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ella's Hook

Here is some backstory for Ella:

Ella’s family had been trained in the twin blade fighting style for generations, but her grandmother and mother decided to go a different route and left the tradition behind to become elite ranged archers. Ella’s greatgrandmother, Elainna, who she was partially named for, was hopeful that Ella would follow in her footsteps as a twin blade warrior. When Elainna’s life grew short, she too went against tradition and chose to stay and help Ella train rather than traveling into the ether as was the elven tradition. After completing her basic ranger training, Ella knew her greatgrandmothers time to travel beyond the shadows was close. Elainna called Ella to her and gave her two battered and worn longswords that she claimed had been in the family for generations dating back even to the time that the elves developed the two different fighting styles (archery and twin blades). The blades, though worn, were extremely sharp and despite their long use the metal was clean and nearly unblemished. Upon the blades are strange symbols that Elainna would not explain except to mention that to speak them aloud would call forth their power and that the discovery of that power was to be Ella’s destiny. The pommel and crossguard were inset with coins marked with similar symbols as those emblazoned on the blade, all save one spot which Ella could tell had once held a coin similar to the others. When asked about the missing coin Elainna would only say she had used it to repay a favor granted to her by the fey creatures near the mountain borders. Ella knew there was more to the story but no matter how she pressed Elainna she would say no more. After receiving the blades Ella’s training moved at an accelerated rate and she grew very comfortable with the weapons driving her to favor weapons that were matched or made as paired sets. Although she has not dwelled on the stories that her greatgrandmother told before her passing, the recent meeting with Valdras has reminded her that there are areas outside the elven lands and Nentir vale that might hold some answers she seeks.

Thought you guys might like to see the godkey

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My thoughts on what to do next

So what would you guys like to do? With the stipulation that we are Heroes and need to make decisions, not let others decide what should be done. Here are some options that I have thought of :

Decide if we think we should give the Tear to the wizard:
They have not been unkind to us and did not go and try to take the Tear by force. They are trying to keep a handle on the evil that is down in Thunder spire.

Leave it with the Temple:
It doesn't look like they are going to use it for anything more than a showing artifact to gain more followers. Just because we got it for them doesn't mean that it is theirs. If this thing is this powerful then it could probably fall into the wrong hands easily here.

Take the Tear into our safekeeping:
The priest said he would allow us to take it. I like that idea. Divine power from the gods is always good to have in your pocket.

See if there is any other Big items of importance that need to be done to quell the evil of the area:
I don't want to be standing around if there are things we could be helping with.

Go across the mountains:
This would be simply an adventure. We would be randomly heading out to find adventure. I like the idea, but we would need a goal so that we were not just walking around blindly. IE Setting up trade routes, capturing creatures for experiments....

I will of coarse be spending some time in the temple praying to Bahomet trying to divine a coarse of action. An will let you know if I get any info.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Upon thinking about this for a while.

OK. I've been knocking around different possibilities of wht to do. Stay here and get an extended rest and hope that all the stuff doesn't reset. Or, get a few short rests in to get healed, get out and see if the door has opened or is unlocked and go through it. I am now thinking that we should short rest and go through the door. If everything resets then after all the battles we will be right back in the same place that we are now. Out of all our powers and needing a rest. So; lets get in a few moments of rest, find our way up and go through the door and see whats on the other side.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Character builder

You can update your character builder this week. It has Players HAndbook 2 added in.

My subscription should end the 30th of this month


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Searching for Items

Now that I have found my calling I will be questing for some boots of springing and striding.

I am spent. I suggest that we get an extended rest in they try to find a way out of here. Bemon was concerned that we may have to do all the things over again if we wait to long, but I think that we are ok to get a rest in. We will need to search around this are an see if there is any treasure and maybe an easier way out of here than climbing up 100 ft. If not, then after our rest send the climbers up with what is left of our climbers kits (mine is gone) and go open the door that we came here for.

Happy Birthday Darin

Sunday, March 22, 2009


William wanted me to remind everyone to train up and bring your 7th level characters on Monday - we may level during play.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Need Another Player

Rodney is leaving for Pennsylvania this Friday and will be gone for 6-8 weeks. We will need to find another player. Does anyone have any suggestions? I plan on still playing Monday and we can discuss further.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What is the plan for Monday

Are we playing without Brian?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Verry Effective Team Work

I thought that we all did a great job at utilizing our abilities and worked very well as a team last game. Kudos to all.

I would like to bring up something about our currnet plan. Gonna wait till the mask dissapears and then grab and run, Go get the bell again, then to the blood floored short sword area. Correct? We are still missing the "TOMB" part of this quest. Maybe we should try to figure that out before we go doing the other that we know of. Because; if we get the other 3 and cant find out what the TOMB is we may waste time finding it an lose the other items and have to do them again. I suggest that we get the new mask and leave this area and search around for something that we may have missed. Aren't we looking for something outside here anyway. 3 inside and 1 out? (Or something like that.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dungeon Delve

I accidently got two copies of Dungeon Delve, if anyone would like to buy a copy for $20 let me know.

Street Fighter 4

If anyone wants to play Street Fighter 4 tonight on X-Box Live give me a call. I haven't had much competition this last week so I could use a little challange.

Game Canceled 3/2

Sorry for the short notice, I am very behind at work and need the time to get caught up. See everyone next week.

Also I will try and put together a teaser this week about the area outside the vale.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Character builder

There was an update to the Character builder program on the 19t so make sure to do the update before my 1 month sub runs out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Which room do you guys want to try after we get a rest in. There was the Mirror Area that Bemon saw and the Short Sword room with the blood on the floor. I suggest the mirror room. I would guess not to look at the mirror. Assumeing that it is magical how hard and or dangerous would it be to break it. Was there more than one mirror Bemon?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A suggestion

Hey gang,
I wanted to talk alittle bit about last night. I and probably everyone was frustrated with my ability to play my character. Here is what I was dealing with. Rodney was telling me to do one thing and William saying that I should do my own thing. It is hard for me to decide when everyone is saying one thing or another. I have a suggestion. If you want my character to do something, weather it is my area attack, my moving somewhere or whatever, say it on your turn and when it is my turn, I will decide what I will do. When I get Rodney saying this, William saying I should do something else and Brian just wanting me to do something, I get all frustrated and it takes me longer to think things out. I value everyones opinion and if you have a better way of handling this let me know. William please pass this one onto wendy so she knows too. Also I realized that I actually do this to her too. I will make a point of being conscious of that. Thanks for listening to my ramble and I will see you guys next week. Peace out. Darin

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was kind of out of it when we ended last session. What is this prisoner’s story? Name, race, occupation, how he got here, how long he’s been here, what he knows about down below. Does he want to continue down with us or is he going to try to make it back to seven pillar hall on his own?

I would hate to leave here and allow them to restack their defences. My dailys are gone, but with a short rest I will be fine to continue on.

Monday, February 16, 2009


So are we going to try to get an extended rest in the tunnel system? We will need to be careful for new traps that they may have set. But with that said, lets get back in and search the trash pile for whatever it is that Bemon was looking for. Then we can continue into the dungeon. All that I remember the magic mouth saying was Sword, Tomb, and mask. There was something else, which I dont remember, but I cant seem to put them together with anything that we have done so far. So make sure that we are all watching each other for and Favors from the evil minitor lord. Bahamut protects me so I will try to keep an eye out for all of you so that you dont get possessed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am hunger

I am hunger!.... Time, a long time; me and my brothers searched for a holy relic. We conquered horrors, traps and the unthinkable, and we saw that our goal was close. Deeper we traveled into the mountains depths we hunted and Brundir pushed us onward. He was relentless in his persuit of the relic and his desperation led us too deep into the mountain, to the parts that were no longer stable. I knew it was unwise as we traveled deeper and deeper still but Brundir pushed on; the mountain rumbled.

I awoke sometime later into darkness. My last thoughts were of the thundering mountain falling all around us and my last sight was of Brundir fleeing for his life as the mountain crashed down upon our heads. Bruised and shaken, my mind grasped for the teachings of the temple. As I surveyed the dead bodies of my five companions my mind was numb with the catechism of the church and my body took over scrambling deeper into the caverns but this time in search of refuge and not reward. Once again the great mountain shifted and I found myself trapped, all routes back to the surface had collapsed; as luck would have it, I was trapped in the very chamber with the bodies of my adventuring companions, all slain by the wrath of the mountain, all slain save the coward Brundir. His quick flight had saved him

I said a quick prayer to the temple to the souls of my friends and found that magic took me I saw the magic of life preserve the bodies. I thought of their families and took solace in the fact that at least the bodies would be preserved for a proper burial…time passed….as my mind wondered to the lives of my companions, my friends, I wondered if there was anyone left who might come to find me. Perhaps Brundir would bring help….

Time passed… and the hunger started. First I explored the cavern looking for any way to the surface any way to escape. I found a pool, but water would only help for a while. Soon I grew desperate…. hungry… desperately hungry. The preservation prayers from my temple started to take on a different and … enticing light. My dreams of banquettes found me awaking to the thoughts of feasting on the flesh of my friends. My shame was nearly unbearable, nearly! The hunger! I felt myself shifting, changing, and I felt myself wanting…wanting that change… and to feed!

It was a gift!, I knew that the gods had chosen me for this trial and that "I" had passed! The flesh was not "preserved" for me, it was "sanctified" for my consumption! With every bite my strength and understanding grew; The strength to live, the will to live. Brundir would pay for his treachery, he would pay! and I would taste his flesh! With new found vigor I began to dig… time passed and I heard the sounds of others digging towards me. Brundir had not betrayed me after all! It had been countless days but finally he had come! As my rescuers removed the last bit of earth the excitement of the rescue swelled within me. FINALLY! FREEDOM! As I saw my rescuers only one thought went through my mind THE HUNGER!!! Now I am free to search for those that wronged me!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

In a dark and scary place

We are far enough down inside this tunnel that I don't think that our suppliers will be able to follow us back here. Lets get out of here, go back to town, resupply and then travel back. One of the baddies go away so we are not going to suprise them. We could even wait a few days to allow them time to relax the guard again. My main goal was to rescue the prisioners and we did that. Maybe we can get some more info on where any remaining prisioners would be held by talking to the people in the Hall. If you all want to continue down then lets light up a torch and head on in. I've got no problem hacking away at the evil down here.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Game Canceled

Well Wendy is sick so I guess we will cancel tonight so we will see everyone next week.

Nevermind, the game is back on

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mondays game

Darin said that Rodney stated that he probably wouldn't be there this monday.
Play on unless we miss someone else.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


password: heffner1

I subscribed to 1 month of d&d insider. Feel free to use my account to look around . Download the character builder and do the update. email and password are above.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Rock

Way to go everyone. We kicked ass. Everyone played a role in the destruction of all the baddies. Rodney, you probalby played you character better than you have ever played him. Well done. Lets lock this place down and check out the area to see if there are any lingering bad guys that might prevent us getting a rest.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Good to go

The plumbers just left and we have working water and toilets again so the game is on!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well we had plumbing problems again today so there is possibility we will not play tomorrow. We have the plumbers comming by first thing in the morning and I will keep you all posted. If we do play I am still planning on 6:00 and ordering pizza. Hopefully we will be playing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm hurting pretty bad. The dive off of the ledge onto the ladder was painful. So we need to do a quick recon of the area and get a rest in. We need to question the survivors and get them out of here. We found the rangers friend so we can mark that quest item off of the list. Woo Hoo...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back in the swing of things

Damn I am tired. It was a lot of fun and I now know I need to read up on a few things to get back on track. If their is anything we can do to help you out William let us know. I really missed Monday nights, but why wasn't Brett there?
